Eduard Aymerich
4 年前
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid thesis template.

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Universidad Politécnica de Madrid thesis template.
Discover why over 20 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
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% Define the course variables that are gonna be used several times
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\newcommand{\school}{Escuela\ Técnica\ Superior\ de\ XXX}
\newcommand{\degree}{Grado/Máster\ Universitario\ en\ XXX}
\newcommand{\tfm}{Bachelor/Master\ Thesis}
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\newcommand{\supervisor}{--- --- ---}
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\hspace*{0.4\linewidth} \= \hspace*{0.5\linewidth} \= \kill
\> Author: \' \textbf{\me} \\[0.25cm]
\> Supervisor: \' \textbf{\supervisor} \\
% Set the date format
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Madrid, MM YYYY
% A macro to print the title
% A macro to print the author
% A macro to print the date
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% Include the cover
% Include the different sections
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