%% Any characters from a % to the end of line are comments.
%% The third-rep class and this starter kit were written by
%% Graham Gough <graham@cs.man.ac.uk>
%% If you have any comments or questions regarding this document,
%% please post them to the local newsgroup man.cs.tex.
%% This skeleton report is organised as a master file called
%% report.tex which then includes files for individual parts including
%% abstract.tex, chapter1.tex, chapter2.tex, chapter3.tex and
%% appendix1.tex.
%% The third-rep style is a locally created style based on the
%% standard LaTeX report style. If you really want to have a look at
%% it, its source can be found in
%% /usr/local/share/texmf/tex/latex/mancs/third-rep.cls
%% More information about LaTeX in general and the local setup in
%% particular can be found on the web at
%% http://csis.cs.manchester.ac.uk/software/contrib/latex
%% This is an example of how you load extra packages.
%% Some packages are already loaded in the third-rep class
\usepackage{url} % typeset URL's sensibly
\usepackage{pslatex} % Use Postscript fonts
%% The best way to latex just one chapter is to uncomment lines such as
%% the next:
%% This defines the title (the \\ forces a line break)
\title{My Wonderful Creation\\
and other Gismos}
%% and author
\author{A. Student}
%% and supervisor
\supervisor{Dr. A. Lecturer}
%% and the year of the report
%% this defines the file that contains the text of the abstract, there
%% must be one of these by the time you submit your report.
%% this defines the file that contains the acknowledgements (it can be
%% omitted if you don't feel like thanking anyone
%% Uncomment the following lines if you want to include the date as a
%% header in draft versions. See the documentation for fancyhdr for
%% more ways of modifying headers (texdoc fancyhdr will show you the
%% docs)
%\lhead{} % left head
%\chead{Draft: \today} % centre head
%% The following line sets up the use of PostScript fonts rather
%% than the standard bitmapped fonts.
%% Uncomment the following line if you want to change the name of the
%% Bibliography to References
%% End of preamble, the actual document starts here
%% This actually creates the title and abstract pages
%% Generate contents etc
%% These include the actual text
\bibliography{refs} % this causes the references to be
% listed
\bibliographystyle{alpha} % this determines the style in which
% the references are printed, other
% possible values are plain and abbrv
%% Appendices start here