University of Dayton thesis template (2022)
Andrew Sarangan
2 年前
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Thesis and dissertation template

Discover why over 20 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
Discover why over 20 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
% uncomment the following line if you want the UD logo in the title page
%\documentclass[11pt,phdfv]{uddissert2022} % use if you have 5 committee members
\authorLastFirstMiddle{Edison}{Thomas Alva}
% remember to put title in all capital letters
\school{The School of Engineering}%
\advisorFirstLast{Elvis A. Prestley}{, Ph.D., P.E.}{Advisory Committee
Chairman}{Professor and Chair}{Electro-Optics and Photonics} %
\Membera{Albert Einstein}{, Ph.D.}{Committee Member}{Professor}{Electrical and Computer Engineering}%
\Memberb{George Washington}{, Ph.D.}{Committee Member}{Associate Professor}{Chemical and Materials Engineering}%
\Memberc{Bruce F. J. Springsteen}{, Ph.D.}{Committee Member}{Assistant Professor}{Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering}%
%\Memberd{Member D.}{, Ph.D.}{Committee Member}{Faculty D. Title}{Faculty D department}%
\AssocDean{Robert J. Wilkens, Ph.D., P.E.}{Associate Dean for Research and Innovation Professor}{School of Engineering}%
\Dean{G\"{u}l Kremer, Ph.D.}{Dean, School of Engineering}%
% use above to include a copyright page
\dedication{For name of person(s) to whom you are dedicating your thesis}
% Below is a list of Greek variables often used in Theses and Dissertations.
% \begin{itemize}
% \item $\alpha$ - alpha
% \item $\beta$ - beta
% \item $\omega$ - omega
% \end{itemize}
% Below is a list of acronyms commonly used around UD.
% \item UD - University of Dayton
% \item SoE - School of Engineering
% \item ECE - Electrical and Computer Engineering
%Remember to put all chapter titles in CAPS
\addtocontents{toc}{\protect\setChapterprefix{CHAPTER }} % CDM Establish CHAPTER label in table of contents
% use as many input statements as you have chapters
% note that \input{} doesn't work unless you have a file named the same as the text inside the {} in the same directory as this main file.
%\input{file name for last chapter}
\addtocontents{toc}{\protect\setChapterprefix{}} % CDM Remove labels in table of contents for Appendix sections
\chapter{Some Stuff at the End}
This is Appendix A.
\chapter{This is another Appendix}
This is Appendix B.