University of Calgary Thesis Template
N. Mancell, T. Zhang
8 年前
LaTeX Project Public License 1.3c
This thesis template for University of Calgary was downloaded from the Faculty of Graduate Studies's webpage (11 Nov 2016).
This thesis template for University of Calgary was downloaded from the Faculty of Graduate Studies's webpage (11 Nov 2016).
%% Modified documentstyle to documentclass -- compatibility with LaTex2e
%% N. Mancell (98/03/01).
%% ucalgthes_root.tex (NM 98/03/01)
% Modified 92-09-18 Add references to dissertation D. Teale
% Add approval page to toc
% Add ref to Title Degree on approval page
% Modified 2006-09-12 Added geometry package to set up UofC thesis margins
% Removed includeprompt option N. Mancell
% Modified 2012-04-15 T.Zhang
% 1, the ÔfancyÕ package is cancelled. The pagestyle is changed from ÔmyheadingsÕ and ÔheadingsÕ to ÔplainÕ to move the page number (footer) from top right to bottom centre.
% 2, The parameter of using ÔgeometryÕ package is changed from four different values (top=1in, bottom=1.22in, left=1.40in, right=0.850in) to one single value: 1in (top=1in, bottom= 1in, left= 1in, right= 1in)
% 3, ÔList of FiguresÕ is modified to ÔList of Figures and IllustrationsÕ
% 4, A new page ÔList of Symbols, Abbreviations and NomenclatureÕ is created. Its page number is following ÔList of Figures and IllustrationsÕ with Roman numerals. A separate file Ôsymbols.texÕ is created for students to put content into the list.
\usepackage[letterpaper,top=1in, bottom= 1in, left= 1in, right= 1in]{geometry}
%Define other usepackages here
\title{Title of Thesis (title case, double spaced, no more than 240 characters. No bold font or symbols, except Greek) \\ \bigskip
Thesis Title Second Line }
% Insert the correct information between the {}
\author{Student's Full Name}
\thesis{thesis} % the word dissertation can be inserted between {}
\newcommand{\thesistitle}{Title of Thesis}
\monthname{month name}
% End of supplied information
\pagenumbering{roman} % resets page counter to one
%The undersigned certify that they have read, and recommend
%to the Faculty of Graduate Studies for acceptance, a \Thesis\ entitled
%``\thesistitle'' submitted by \Author\
%in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
% Substitute List of Examiners
%\begin{signing}{Department of Academic Computing}
%Chairman, Dr.~John D.~Doe \\
%Department of Academic Computing \\
%Services \\
%Chairman, Dr.~John D.~Doe \\
%Department of Academic Computing \\
%Services \\
%Chairman, Dr.~John D.~Doe \\
%Department of Academic Computing \\
%Services \\
%Chairman, Dr.~John D.~Doe \\
%Department of Academic Computing \\
%Services \\
%\newsigncolumn use this command to start a new column if necessary
%Chairman, Dr.~John D.~Doe \\
%Department of Academic Computing \\
%Services \\
%Dr.~Jane Smith \\
%Department of Academic Computing \\
%Dr.~A.~B.~Brown \\
%Department of Academic Computing \\
Paragraph 1
Paragraph 2
Paragragh 3
This page is required for all graduate theses. An abstract is a short paragraph explaining the major points and conclusions of your thesis. For master's theses, the abstract can be no more than 150 words long, while doctoral abstracts can be no longer than 350 words.
Paragraph 1
Paragraph 2
Paragraph 3
\clearpage % otherwise tables will be numbered wrong
\chapter*{\bf{List of Symbols, Abbreviations and Nomenclature}\hfill} \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Symbols}