A gussied-up version of the UA Astro thesis template previously passed down for generations via email
% Sample Dissertation, Thesis, or Document %
% for use with the %
% University of Arizona Thesis Class, %
% uathesis.cls %
% We'll use the uathesis document class (duh). The uncommented line
% below will produce a Dissertation, the others would produce a Thesis
% or a Document. There are other options available to you like turning
% on the copyright statement and replacing the year on the title page
% with a "generated on" stamp (handy for early drafts). To find out
% what the available options are, take a look into the uathesis.cls
% file and look for the \DeclareOption commands near the top of that
% file.
% There are five copyright options. Copyright, no copyright, and three
% different Creative Commons licences. Use the one you want (If you go
% Creative Commons, I (DM) think the CC-BY-ND makes the most sense) See
% uathesis.cls for the reason why the non-commercial licenses are not
% included.
% Package Usage
% These are the packages that we need
\usepackage{natbib} % natbib is available on most systems, and is
% terribly handy.
% If you want to use a different Bibliography package,
% you should be able to, just change this
% and the \bibliographystyle command below. Be warned
% that you may need to do a little hacking to get
% the REFERENCES item to show up in your TOC.
% Compatibility with the AASTEX package
% of the American Astronomical Society.
\usepackage{deluxetable} % Allows use of AASTEX deluxe tables
\usepackage{aastex_hack} % Allows other AASTEX functionality.
% These are other packages that you might find useful.
% For controlling the fonts, see
% http://www.math.uiuc.edu/~hartke/computer/latex/survey/survey.html
% The following is a nice font set:
%\usepackage{mathtime} % Times for letters; Belleek math.
\usepackage{amsmath} % AMS Math (advanced math typesetting)
\usepackage{lscape} % Used for making fitting large tables in by putting them landscape
\usepackage[tableposition=t]{caption} % NICK ADDED THIS (makes table captions normal size when font set smaller)
%%% Evan added the following
\usepackage{units} % includes nicefrac
%%% The following allows dagger footnote on chapter titles
%%% with no number. Useful for designating previously
%%% published work.
% If you are using hyper-ref (recommended), this command must go after all
% other package inclusions (from the hyperref package documentation).
% The purpose of hyperref is to make the PDF created extensively
% cross-referenced.
% Set up some values.
\fullname{} % Grad college wants your full name here.
\degreename{Doctor of Philosophy} % Title of your degree.
\degreemajor{Astronomy and Astrophysics} % Degree major
% Set up the title page
{DEPARTMENT OF ASTRONOMY} % Title of your department.
% Insert the approval form. Note that for electronic submission
% of your Ph. D. dissertation, you must bring *two* copies of the
% approval page to your final defense. These must be signed by
% the committee. Make two photocopies: one for Pam and the other
% for your records. Then, bring the two signed originals to the
% graduate college when you submit the final version of the
% dissertation to the University of Arizona.
{} % Defense Date
{} % Dissertation Director
{} % 1st committee member
{} % 2nd committee member
{} % 3rd committee member
{} % 4th committee member
{} % 5th committee member
{} % 6th committee member
% Include the ``Statement by Author'' for Dissertations
% If this is a Thesis, use the following form, with your thesis director's
% name and title in the square brackets like so (you should also omit the
% approval form insertion above):
%\statementbyauthor[Jane M. Doe\\Professor of Chemistry]
% Include the ``Acknowledgements''
% Include the ``Dedication''
% Create a ``Table of Contents''
% Create a ``List of Figures''
% Create a ``List of Tables''
% Include the ``Abstract''
% Include the various chapters
% Include the various appendices
% Switch the spacing to single-spaced for the references
\renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{1} % chaning the value
\small\normalsize % switch size to make the value take
% Create the References list