%%%%% Package options place in square brackets
% singleAppendix -- format TOC and appendix chapters without lettering
% draft -- add watermark "draft"
% confidential -- change footer to state contents are confidential
% -----------------------------------
% -----------------------------------
\title{The Universal Interoperability for Grid-Forming Inverters (UNIFI) Consortium Report Template}
\author{Author One} %<--------- Your name here
\author{Author Two} %<--------- Coauthor's name here
%%%%% %<--------- If including authors from multiple institutions, the affiliation number each author needs to be
% \author[1]{Author one} %<--------- other NREL authors
% \affil[1]{National Renewable Energy Laboratory}
% \author[2]{Author two} %<--------- External collaborator
% \affil[2]{Another affiliation} %<--------- External collaborator affil
\addbibresource{refs.bib} %<--------- add bibliographic items to this file
% -------------------------------------
% -------------------------------------
% <text>
%Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text.%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% <text>
%Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text.%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text.
\chapter{Executive Summary}
% <text>
Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text.
% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\chapter*{List of Acronyms}
\acro {DOE} {U.S. Department of Energy}
\acro {NREL} {National Renewable Energy Laboratory}
\acro {UNIFI} {The Universal Interoperability for Grid-Forming Inverters Consortium}
\chapter{First Level-1 Heading } %<--------- NREL report's highest level is Chapter, followed by section, and subsection. Subsubsections can be used, but WILL NOT appear in the table of contents (TOC)
\label{sec:First Level-1 Heading}
% <text>
Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text.
\section{First Level-2 Heading}
\label{sec:First Level-2 Heading}
Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text.
\subsection{First Level-3 Heading}
\label{First Level-3 Heading}
Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text. Enter body text.
% \section{<xx>}
% \label{sec:<xx>}
% <text>
% \subsection{<xx>}
% \label{sec:<xx>}
% <text>
\chapter{Second Level-1 Heading}
\label{sec:Second Level-1 Heading}
% <text>
\caption{First Example Table}
Test & Test & Test & Test \\
Test & Test & Test & Test \\
Test & Test & Test & Test \\
\caption{Second Example Table}
Test & Test & Test & Test \\
Test & Test & Test & Test \\
Test & Test & Test & Test \\
\chapter{Third Level-1 Heading}
\label{sec:Third Level-1 Heading}
% <text>
% %%% Example figure
\begin{figure}[h] %<--------- placement options are (h)ere, (t)op, (b)ottom, (p)age. More than one option may be supplied.
\includegraphics{figures/sunset.jpg} %<--------- path to graphics. Usually figures/<name of figure>
\caption{First figure in the report body}
\includegraphics{figures/winter} %<--------- path to graphics. Usually figures/<name of figure>
\caption{Second figure in the report body}
\chapter{Fourth Level-1 Heading}
\label{sec:Fourth Level-1 Heading}
% <text>
\chapter{Fifth Level-1 Heading}
\label{sec:Fifth Level-1 Heading}
% <text>
% bibliography
\nocite{*} %<--------- This command prints all entries in the bib file. Remove to cite only references cited in the report
% heading=bibintoc,
\printbibliography[title={\LARGE References}]
\begin{appendices} %<--------- All chapters after this will be labeled as appendices
% Reset the figure and table numbering to be A.1, etc.
\appchapter{First Appendix Heading}
\begin{figure}[h] %<--------- placement options are (h)ere, (t)op, (b)ottom, (p)age. More than one option may be supplied.
\includegraphics{figures/sunset.jpg} %<--------- path to graphics. Usually figures/<name of figure>
\caption{First figure in the appendix}
\includegraphics{figures/winter.jpg} %<--------- path to graphics. Usually figures/<name of figure>
\caption{Second figure in the appendix}
\appchapter{Second Appendix Heading}
%%%%%%%% Example figure, list, and table environments %%%%%%%%
% %%% Example figure
% \begin{figure}[h] %<--------- placement options are (h)ere, (t)op, (b)ottom, (p)age. More than one option may be supplied.
% \centering
% \includegraphics[width=\columnwidth]{example-image-a} %<--------- path to graphics. Usually figures/<name of figure>
% \caption[Optional short caption for LOF]{Actual caption for figure}
% \label{fig:fig1}
% \end{figure}
% %%% Example subfigure
% \begin{figure}[h]
% \centering
% \begin{subfigure}[b]{0.48\columnwidth}
% \includegraphics[width=\columnwidth]{example-image-b}
% \caption{}
% \label{fig:}
% \end{subfigure}
% \hfill
% \begin{subfigure}[b]{0.48\columnwidth}
% \includegraphics[width=\columnwidth]{example-image-c}
% \caption{}
% \label{fig:}
% \end{subfigure}
% \caption}
% \label{fig:}
% \end{figure}
% %%% Example list
% \begin{itemize}
% \item item 1
% \item item 2
% \end{itemize}
% %%% Example table
% \begin{table}
% \caption[Optional short table caption for LOT]{Actual table caption}
% \label{tab:tab1}
% \centering
% \begin{tabular}{ccc}
% \hline
% a & b & c\\
% d & e & f \\
% \end{tabular}
% \end{table}