A simple presentation template from IX Graduate Workshop at School of Technology - UNICAMP.
University of Campinas, Limeira-SP, Brazil.
\usepackage{ragged2e} %new code
\usepackage{ru,graphicx,hyperref,url} %
\addtobeamertemplate{block begin}{}{\justifying}
\setbeamertemplate{section in toc}[sections numbered]
\begin{frame}{Table of Contents}
% The title of the presentation:
% - first a short version which is visible at the bottom of each slide;
% - second the full title shown on the title slide;
\title[Modelling Cultural Heritage with Photography]{
Modelling Cultural Heritage with Photography: a New Approach for Image Acquisition using UAV}
% Optional: a subtitle to be dispalyed on the title slide
% \subtitle{Show where you're from}
% The author(s) of the presentation:
% - again first a short version to be displayed at the bottom;
% - next the full list of authors, which may include contact information;
\author[Pedro Victor Vieira de Paiva]{
Pedro Victor Vieira de Paiva\\
Marco Antônio Garcia de Carvalho\\
Eloisa Dezen-Kempter\\\medskip
{\small {pedro.paiva@pos.ft.unicamp.br}
% The institute:
% - to start the name of the university as displayed on the top of each slide
% this can be adjusted such that you can also create a Dutch version
% - next the institute information as displayed on the title slide
\institute[Universidade Estadual de Campinas ]{
Laboratório de Computação Visual -- IMAGELab \\
% Add a date and possibly the name of the event to the slides
% - again first a short version to be shown at the bottom of each slide
% - second the full date and event name for the title slide
\begin{frame}{Table of Contents}
% Section titles are shown in at the top of the slides with the current section
% highlighted. Note that the number of sections determines the size of the top
% bar, and hence the university name and logo. If you do not add any sections
% they will not be visible.
\subsection{Digital Documentation}
\framesubtitle{Digital Documentation}
\justifying The current conditions of a construction, also called “as-is” building, must be correctly observed, obtained and analyzed in many applications \citep{remondino2011} such:
\begin{itemize}[<+-| alert@+>]
\item Historic Documentation
\item Restoration
\item Conservation
\framesubtitle{Digital Documentation}
\justifying Laser sensors are commonly applied in building data acquisition, resulting in an extremely precise representation, although expensive and its high computational cost.
\caption{Field equipment necessary for acquisition. Source: \citep{oldow2008application}}
\framesubtitle{Digital Documentation}
\begin{block}{Point Cloud}
\caption{The laser scanning process for measuring 3D point. Source: \citep{tang2010automatic}}
\framesubtitle{Digital Documentation}
Combining a large set of pictures, toke from different angle, and applying a method called \textit{Structure from Motion} a similar result can be achieved.
\caption{Point cloud generation with SfM. Source: Bundler Project.}
\subsection{UAV acquisition difficulties}
\framesubtitle{UAV acquisition difficulties}
Unlike laser sensors, \textit{Unmanned Aerial Veichels} (UAV) with digital cameras are now affordable and user-friendly.
\caption{Eight-rotor UAV platform (BNU-D8-1) fitted with Cannon 5DII. Source: \citep{xu2014tridimensional}.}
\framesubtitle{UAV acquisition difficulties}
\justifying Despite this, a universal data (image) acquisition protocol is not yet available, what make it an effective but still experimental process. Particularly in cultural heritage, is not a trivial task due:
\begin{itemize}[<+-| alert@+>]
\item Partial occlusion
\item Element uniqueness
\item Weather conditions
\item etc...
\framesubtitle{UAV acquisition difficulties}
What is required to develop a standard protocol applicable to image acquisition of heritage by adopting UAV systems?
\section{Theoretical Background}
\frametitle{Theoretical Background}
Photogrammetry is the science of making measurements from photographs, based on camera calibration.
\caption{Camera parameters for distance estimation. Source: \citep{wenzel2013image}}
\frametitle{Theoretical Background}
According to \citep{murtiyoso2016acquisition}, there are different established and trustworthy image acquisition protocols. This methods share common characteristics, such as:
\item Position and sensor calibration steps
\item Angle convergence
\item Image overlay
\subsection{Structure from Motion}
\frametitle{Theoretical Background}
\framesubtitle{Structure from Motion}
\textit{Structure from Motion} (SfM) techniques uses overlapping pictures to extract object information by using camera internal parameters for orientation \citep{micheletti2015structure}.
\caption{3D point triangulation by finding the point $\mathbf{p}$ that lies nearest to all of the optical rays $\mathbf{c}_{j} + d_{j}\mathbf{\hat{v}}_{j} $. Source: \citep{szeliski2010computer}}
\frametitle{Theoretical Background}
\framesubtitle{Structure from Motion}
For outstanding outcome, it is imperative:
\item Generous collection of images
\item Similar pictures took from rotated points of view (vertical and horizontal)
\item Depth and range variable points of view
\section{Proposed Approach}
\begin{frame}{Proposed Approach}
\caption{Activity diagram of an effective approach for acquisition systems to structure modeling using SfM techniques. Source: author.}
\begin{frame}{Proposed Approach}
\item 3D model construction requires precise sensor position estimation
\item Start from the highest point, allowing satellite synchronization (as much as possible).
\item Regarding the camera
\item Brightness, focus, contrast and saturation are currently well adjustable in auto-mode
\subsection{Flight Protocol}
\frametitle{Proposed Approach}
\framesubtitle{Flight Protocol}
A path capable to cover full angle variation of the structure, parallel and perpendicular, is the hardest challenge in UAV flight planning.
\caption{Height and weight portions fully covered.}
\caption{Flight plan with high angle variation.}
\centering \small{(Source: author)}
\begin{frame}{Proposed Approach}
Once collected and processed, data could be evaluated comparing regional projection of point cloud to it equivalent “as-design”.
\caption{Comparative among projections and project views. Source: author}
\subsection{Partial Results}
\framesubtitle{Partial Results}
{\epsfig{file = images/elementos, width = 3.5cm}}
\item[] a. Right Bell Tower;
\item[] b. Left Bell Tower;
\item[] c. Double pediment with a clock on the tympanum. Straight cymatium (2) and scrolled pediment (1);
\item[] d. Frontispiece, with spare bell towers base (cornice highlighted in the figure made up of cymatium and friezes).
\item[] g. Main door with lintel in segmental arch and door frame both in carved stone.
\item[] h. Bell towers base;
\caption{Analysis of segmented regions compared to the as-designed model.}
Frontispiece with voids of windows and doorways & 87,73 & 93,37 & 85,76 \\
Tower base (right) & 94,63 & 86,56 & 84,79 \\
Tower base (left) & 94,34 & 94,68 & 90,89 \\
Right Bell Tower & 85,30 & 89,45 & 83,44 \\
Left Bell Tower & 84,41 & 63,92 & 69,45 \\
Double pediment (tympanum and cymatium) & 55,68 & 39,29 & 82,32 \\
Scrolled pediment & 96,02 & 87,18 3 & 91,18 \\
\subsection{UAV and SfM popularization}
\framesubtitle{UAV and SfM popularization}
\item UAV popularization and SfM algorithms allow cultural heritage documenting and modelling
\begin{itemize}[<+-| alert@+>]
\item User-friendly
\item Affordable
\item But...
\item Still needs formalization and reliability to eliminate experimental factor
\item This work introduced a UAV image acquisition protocol able to produce strong representation for cultural heritage applications
\begin{itemize}[<+-| alert@+>]
\item Ground stations proceedings
\item SfM properties
\item Future analysis in method and application are necessary, especially with different heritage objects and SfM implementations.
\Huge Thank you!