Marei Peischl
2 个月前
LaTeX Project Public License 1.3c
Beamer Template of the Universität der Bundeswehr München

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%% This is file `DEMO-UniBW-M-beamer.tex' version 0.7 (2025-01-02)
%% it is part of
%% UniBWM-CI -- Corporate Design for Universität der Bundeswehr München
%% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Copyright (C) 2024 by Marei Peischl <marei@peitex.de>
%% ============================================================================
%% This template has beta status! There will be changes concerning some layout settings. Please be aware of this and check for the latest version before using.
% !TeX program = lualatex
english,% Main language as global option
% logofile=example-image,% In case logo files are not available
% Language setup
\usepackage[autostyle]{csquotes}% \enquote, to simplify use of quotation marks
% Document specific setup for demonstration, generally not needed!
% End of demo specific setup
\title[UniBW-Beamer]{\LaTeX~beamer using UniBWM's Corporate Design}
\subtitle{Universität der Bundeswehr München}
\author[M. Peischl]{Marei Peischl}
\institute{Beta Version}
% Titlegraphic will right of the orange area holding the logo
% titlegraphic using manual scaling
% \titlegraphic{\includegraphics[width=1.5cm]{example-image}}
% titlegraphic using automatic scaling
% \titlegraphic{\includegraphics[width=1.5cm]{example-image}}
\date{}% In case \today should not be used
\AtBeginSection{\sectionpage}% Enable section pages
\begin{frame}{Status information}
This template is still work in progress as some layout decisions are not yet resolved.
We still decided to publish it to offer the possibility to let us know about specific wishes to get a better understanding of your way of using it.
In case you face any issues or have feature requests as well as suggestions, please let us know!
Email: unibwm-ci@peitex.de
\begin{frame}{The unibwm-beamer class}
\item Basic usage identical to beamer
\item No special syntax required
\section{Title page variants}
\begin{frame}{Additional Features for titlegraphic/logos}
\item \code{\textbackslash{}logo} additional logo next to the title
\item \code{\textbackslash{}titlegraphic} place image as a background for title slide
\begin{frame}{Scaling logos/titlegraphic}
\item The commands shown on previous slide support \code{\textbackslash{}height}/\code{\textbackslash{}width} to adjust the size to be used for graphic scaling.
\item All have a starred variant (e.\,g. \code{\textbackslash{}logo*\{\textbackslash{}includegraphics\{example-image\}\}}). This will automatically scale/clip the logo/image to desired size.
% Titlepage example data, will be used for all as defined at the beginning of the document
\title{Titlepage without titlegraphic and partnerlogo}
%\titlegraphic{}% empty by default
%\partnerlogo{}% empty by default
\title{Titlepage with manual scaled titlegraphic}
%\partnerlogo{}% empty by default
\title{Titlepage with partnerlogo}
\section{Slide examples}
\begin{frame}{Frame with a subtitle}
An example.
\begin{frame}{Color Scheme}
The new design introduced new colors to be used to highlight specific content.
The additional colors are:
\renewcommand*{\do}[1]{unibwm-####1: \textcolor{unibwm-####1}{\rule{1cm}{\ht\strutbox}}\par}
\begin{frame}{Remark on vertical alignment (especially columns)}
The vertical alignment has been changed from \code{c} to \code{t} in contrast to beamers default setup.
Therefore frame content will be top aligned as required by the design guideline.
This is leading to some side effects, e\,g. with the columns environment.
To resolve this one can either globally add the \code{c} option to restore beamer's default or pass it to the environment itself.
\item one
\item two
%% End of file `DEMO-UniBW-M-beamer.tex