UMAP Template
Matthew Landrum
1 个月前
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
This is a template for those seeking to submit a paper to the UMAP Journal.

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% Empty footer
% Ensure the page number starts at 1 and applies to all pages
\def\publndata{\footnotesize {\it \hspace*{-16pt}The UMAP Journal\/}
46 (1) (2025) 1--???.
\copyright Copyright 2025 by COMAP, Inc. All rights
\def\permissionnotice{\footnotesize Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice.
Abstracting with credit is permitted, but copyrights for components of this work owned by others than COMAP must be honored. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers, or to redistribute to lists requires prior permission from COMAP.}
\def\crnotice{\noindent\publndata\\ \permissionnotice}
{\bfseries \LARGE {Your Title Here}}
\vskip 5pt
{\bfseries \LARGE {and more Title goes here}}\\
\vskip 14.4 pt
{\large {Ben Galluzzo}}\\
\vskip 2pt
{Executive Director}\\
{COMAP, Inc.} \\
{175 Middlesex Turnpike, Suite 3B}\\
{Bedford, MA 01730-1459}\\
\href{mailto:ben@comap.org}{\tt ben@comap.org}
\vskip 2pt
{\large {John Doe}}\\
\vskip 2pt
{Mathematics Professor}\\
{COMAP, Inc.} \\
{175 Middlesex Turnpike, Suite 3B}\\
{Bedford, MA 01730-1459} \\
\href{mailto:johndoe@comap.org}{\tt johndoe@comap.org}
\footnotetext{\footnotesize \crnotice}
\hspace{2em} (PUT YOUR ABSTRACT HERE) Arma virumque cano, Troiae qui primus ab oris
Italiam, fato profugus, Laviniaque venit
litora, multum ille et terris iactatus et alto vi superum, saevae memorem Iunonis ob iram; multa quoque et bello passus, dum conderet urbem,
inferretque deos Latio, genus unde Latinum, Albanique patres, atque altae moenia Romae.
\section*{\LARGE {First Section}}
\hspace{2em} Tempus erat quo prima quies mortalibus aegris
incipit et dono divum gratissima serpit.
In somnis, ecce, ante oculos maestissimus Hector visus adesse mihi largosque effundere fletus, raptatus bigis ut quondam, aterque cruento pulvere, perque pedes traiectus lora tumentis.
\subsection*{{A Subsection}}
\hspace{2em} Principio caelum ac terras camposque liquentis
lucentemque globum Lunae Titaniaque astra
spiritus intus alit, totamque infusa per artus
mens agitat molem et magno se corpore miscet.
Inde hominum pecudumque genus vitaeque volantum
et quae marmoreo fert monstra sub aequore pontus.
Igneus est ollis vigor et caelestis origo
seminibus, quantum non noxia corpora tardant
terrenique hebetant artus moribundaque membra.
Hinc metuunt cupiuntque, dolent gaudentque, neque auras
dispiciunt clausae tenebris et carcere caeco.
\caption{Enter Caption}
\textbf{Day} & \textbf{Height \textit{h} (mm)} \\
0 & 190.5 \\
3 & 182.9 \\
10 & 162.6 \\
14 & 152.4 \\
\caption{Height of water in the vase}
\section*{\LARGE Second Section}
Eripiunt subito nubes caelumque diemque
Teucrorum ex oculis; ponto nox incubat atra.
Intonuere poli et crebris micat ignibus aether
praesentemque viris intentant omnia mortem.
Extemplo Aeneae solvuntur frigore membra:
ingemit et duplicis tendens ad sidera palmas
talia voce refert: "O terque quaterque beati,
quis ante ora patrum Troiae sub moenibus altis
contigit oppetere! O Danaum fortissime gentis
Tydide! Mene Iliacis occumbere campis
non potuisse tuaque animam hanc effundere dextra?"
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\renewcommand{\footrulewidth}{0pt} % Remove any footer line
% To remove the "REFERENCES" heading
\def\refname{\LARGE {References}}
\bibitem[SERC, 2020]{serc}
SERC (Science Education Resource Center at Carleton College). 2020. Fisheries: Gone fishing. Part A: Overfishing in Georges Bank.\\ \href{https://serc.carleton.edu/eslabs/fisheries/5_a.html}{\url{https://serc.carleton.edu/eslabs/fisheries/5_a.html}}.\\ Part B: Overfished in Georges Bank. \\\href{https://serc.carleton.edu/eslabs/fisheries/5_b.html}{\url{https://serc.carleton.edu/eslabs/fisheries/5_b.html}}.
\bibitem[Craft et al., 2002]{craft}
Craft, David L., Lawrence M. Wein, and Dennis J. Selkoe. 2002. A mathematical model of the impact of novel treatments on the A$\beta$ burden in the Alzheimer's brain, CSF, and plasma. \emph{Bulletin of Mathematical Biology} 64 (5): 1011--1031.
\href{doi:10.1006/bulm.2002.0304}{\tt doi:10.1006/bulm.2002.0304};\\ \fontsize{7pt}{1pt}\selectfont
\href{https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=}{\tt https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=\&rep=rep1\&type=pdf}.
\section*{\LARGE {About the Authors}}
Paul Isihara has taught mathematics at Wheaton College since 1987 and is Associate Editor of the Math- Serve department of this Journal. He has published many contributions to The UMAP Journal, including several in which he mentored a team of students. In addition to involvement with community organiza- tions in Chicago, he oversees a faith-based organiza- tion that is responding to the humanitarian disaster in Tigray, Ethiopia
\vspace{1em} % Adds space before the second authorship block
Matthew Landrum is a sophomore at Valparaiso University studying Statistics, Mathematics, and Economics, and is the creator of this template! If you have any questions, feel free to email him at \href{mailto:matthew.landrum@valpo.edu}{\tt matthew.landrum@valpo.edu}.