An unofficial PhD Project Description template for UiA. Provides a rough template for the document, but warnings and layout issues may exist.
% Author and PhD Details
\author{John Johnsson}
\title{<Working Title of your Thesis>}
\faculty{Faculty of Engineering and Science}
\department{Department of Engineering Sciences}
% Supervisors
\principalsup{Professor}{Henrik Henriksson} % Principal supervisor {title}{name}
\supinstitute{Department of Engineering Sciences, UiA} % Principal supervisor workplace/institute
\cosupone{Professor}{William Williamsson} % Co-supervisor 1 {title}{name}
\cosuponeinstitute{Department of Engineering Sciences, UiA} % Co-supervisor 1 workplace/institute
%\cosuptwo{}{} % Co-supervisor 2 {title}{name}
%\cosuptwoinstitute{} % Co-supervisor 2 workplace/institute
\cosuptwo{<title>}{<name>} % Co-supervisor 2 {title}{name}
\cosuptwoinstitute{<Co-supervisor's workplace>} % Co-supervisor 2 workplace/institute
\phdbuddy{<name>} % PhD student buddy
% PhD start and end dates
\phdstart{1 January 2020}
\phdend{31 December 2022}
% Contact Details
\postaladdress{Post Box 422, NO-4604 Kristiansand, Norway}
\visitingaddress{Jon Lilletuns vei 9, <room number>, Grimstad, Norway}
\officephone{+ 47 <office number>}
\mobilephone{+ 47 <phone number>}
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% DECLARATIONS AND OFFICIAL INFO %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\section*{Supervisory understanding between PhD candidate and supervisors}
{\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.1}% for the vertical padding
\textbf{Issues} & \textbf{Agreements} \\ \hline
Frequency of supervision meetings (weekly meetings are especially recommended in the first 6 months of the PhD).
& <X hours pr. week or month> \\
Expected level of preparation before supervision meetings.
& <We (both supervisor(s) and PhD candidate) are to meet <…> prepared to scheduled meetings> \\
Allowed feedback time from the supervisor on paper drafts, abstracts, and other work made by the student.
& <Supervisor must give feedback within X days on drafts and abstracts, unless other is agreed upon> \\
Deadlines for the student to send material for conferences, journals, workshops, and other material associated with a hand-in deadline.
& <The candidate must send material for conferences, journals etc in time, and allow proper time (X days) for feedback> \\
Expected support from the supervisor in a) identifying relevant conferences and journals, b) suggesting researchers for potential collaboration, c) find courses, etc.
& <Discuss who is responsible for which tasks, so that it will not lead to misunderstandings> \\
It is highly recommended that the supervisor and the PhD candidate evaluate their collaboration from time to time.
& <We will have an evaluation meeting every December to discuss any improvements> \\
} \tablerule
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Agreement and Ethics Checklist %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Signature Section %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\signaturesection %\vskip4mm
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Supervisor Topic Coverage Table %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
{\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.4}% for the vertical padding
\textbf {(Insert topic names/categories that covers the project)}
\multirow{2}{\linewidth}{\topictabletext{Topic 1}} % Topic 1
& \textbf{Yes} & \textbf{No} \\
& \crossbox & \ \\
\multirow{2}{\linewidth}{\topictabletext{Topic 2}} % Topic 2
& \textbf{Yes} & \textbf{No} \\
& \crossbox & \ \\
\multirow{2}{\linewidth}{\topictabletext{Topic 3}} % Topic 3
& \textbf{Yes} & \textbf{No} \\
& \crossbox & \ \\
} \tablerule
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Faculty use section %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Coursework Component %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\section*{Coursework Component: Mechatronics}
{\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.2}% for the vertical padding
\textbf{Course Code} & \textbf{Course Name} & \textbf{Credits} & \textbf{Responsible Institution} & \textbf{Semester} \\ \hline
MAS601 & Design, Modelling, and Simulation of Mechatronic Systems & 5 & UiA & \\ \hline
ENE701 & Applied Statistics Course for Engineering & 5 & UiA & \\ \hline
EX603 & Theory of Science and Ethics & 5 & UiA & \\ \hline
& & & & \\ \hline
& & & & \\ \hline
& & & & \\ \hline
} \vskip7mm
\section*{Ethical Issues}
Ethical issues relating to the implementation of the project must be clarified. The checklist issued by the national committees for research ethics should be used when preparing the project description: \url{}
You MUST declare you will follow the “Guidelines for research ethics in science and technology” and specify the possible ethical challenges you see for your specific project and how to meet them. Like possible consequences of misuse of data and findings, data protection and open access, etc
\section*{Planned stay(s) outside of Norway}
Indicate plans, if any, for periods at other research institutions etc. abroad (institution, country, purpose, time span, funding, etc.) If you have questions about UiA-funding, contact the Faculty.
\section*{Intellectual property right restrictions}
Indicate if there are any intellectual property right restrictions (copyright, etc.) on the dissertation in order to protect the third-party interests: {\quad \quad \checkbox YES} {\quad \quad \checkbox NO}
% INSTRUCTIONS: \checkboxcrossed is used for a crossed checkbox and \checkbox is used for an empty checkbox
% If yes, elaborate:
% Here's why...
Indicate infrastructure requirements for the PhD project (office space, computer equipment, special equipment, etc.):
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Project Description %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%