UChicago Beamer
Chen Zhiyuan
10 个月前
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
University of Chicago beamer, modified on Xu Minghao's Ritsumeikan University version

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Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
% Thanks to Xu Minghao's work %
% I modify it into uchicago version %
% to not make new bug, I don't alter "Ritsumeikan" %
% keywords in file. Pls feel free to use %
% A Beamer template for Ritsumeikan University %
% Author: Ming-Hao Xu (Xu Minghao) %
% Date: April 2022. %
% LPPL Licensed. %
% other packages
% dummy text; remove it when working on this template
\author{Zhiyuan Chen}
\title{Your Presentation Title}
\subtitle{uchicago Beamer Theme}
Department of Statistics \\
University of Chicago
\date{\small April, 2024}
% defs
\def\cmd#1{\texttt{\color{red}\footnotesize $\backslash$#1}}
\def\env#1{\texttt{\color{blue}\footnotesize #1}}
emphstyle=\ttfamily\color{deepred}, % Custom highlighting style
\includegraphics[keepaspectratio, scale=0.14]{pic/uchicago.png}
\begin{itemize}[<+-| alert@+>] % stepwise alerts
\item \lipsum[1][1-4]
\item \lipsum[1][5-8]
\section{Literature Review}
\subsection{GPT3-derived Models DALLE \& CLIP}
\item \lipsum[2][1-4]
\item \lipsum[2][5-9]
\item Results accessible at \newline \url{https://scholar.google.com}
\subsection{Diffusion Model}
\item \lipsum[3][1-4]
Microsoft\textsuperscript{\textregistered} Windows & Apple\textsuperscript{\textregistered} Mac OS \\
Windows-Kernel & Unix-like \\
Arm, Intel & Intel, Apple Silicon \\
Sudden update & Stable update \\
Less security & More security \\
... & ... \\
\begin{exampleblock}{Non-Numbering Formula}
J(\theta) = \mathbb{E}_{\pi_\theta}[G_t] = \sum_{s\in\mathcal{S}} d^\pi (s)V^\pi(s)=\sum_{s\in\mathcal{S}} d^\pi(s)\sum_{a\in\mathcal{A}}\pi_\theta(a|s)Q^\pi(s,a)
\begin{exampleblock}{Multi-Row Formula\footnote{If text appears in the formula,use $\backslash$mathrm\{\} or $\backslash$text\{\} instead}}
Q_\mathrm{target}&=r+\gamma Q^\pi(s^\prime, \pi_\theta(s^\prime)+\epsilon)\\
\epsilon&\sim\mathrm{clip}(\mathcal{N}(0, \sigma), -c, c)\nonumber
\begin{exampleblock}{Numbered Multi-line Formula}
% Taken from Mathmode.tex
A=\lim_{n\rightarrow\infty}\Delta x\left(a^{2}+\left(a^{2}+2a\Delta x+\left(\Delta x\right)^{2}\right)\right.\label{eq:reset}\\
+\left(a^{2}+2\cdot2a\Delta x+2^{2}\left(\Delta x\right)^{2}\right)\\
+\left(a^{2}+2\cdot3a\Delta x+3^{2}\left(\Delta x\right)^{2}\right)\\
\left.+\left(a^{2}+2\cdot(n-1)a\Delta x+(n-1)^{2}\left(\Delta x\right)^{2}\right)\right)\\
\begin{frame}{Graphics and Columns}
\rput[tl]{0}(0.2,2){$\vec e_z$}
\rput[tr]{0}(-0.9,1.4){$\vec e$}
\rput[tl]{0}(2.8,-1.1){$\vec C_{ptm{ext}}$}
% \psRotation{0}(0,3.5){$\dot\phi$}
% \psRotation{25}(-1.2,2.6){$\dot\psi$}
% \hspace{2cm}
\begin{frame}[fragile]{\LaTeX{} Common Commands}
\cmd{chapter} & \cmd{section} & \cmd{subsection} & \cmd{paragraph} \\
chapter & section & sub-section & paragraph \\\hline
\cmd{centering} & \cmd{emph} & \cmd{verb} & \cmd{url} \\
center & emphasize & original & hyperlink \\\hline
\cmd{footnote} & \cmd{item} & \cmd{caption} & \cmd{includegraphics} \\
footnote & list item & caption & insert image \\\hline
\cmd{label} & \cmd{cite} & \cmd{ref} \\
label & citation & refer\\\hline
\env{table} & \env{figure} & \env{equation}\\
table & figure & formula \\\hline
\env{itemize} & \env{enumerate} & \env{description}\\
non-numbering item & numbering item & description \\\hline
\begin{frame}[fragile]{\LaTeX{} Examples of environmental commands}
\item A \item B
\item C
\item C-1
\item A
\item B
\item C
\item C-1
\item A \item B
\item C
\item A
\item B
\item C
\begin{frame}[fragile]{\LaTeX{} Formulas}
$V = \frac{4}{3}\pi r^3$
V = \frac{4}{3}\pi r^3
V = \frac{4}{3}\pi r^3
$V = \frac{4}{3}\pi r^3$
V = \frac{4}{3}\pi r^3
V = \frac{4}{3}\pi r^3
\item more information \href{https://ja.overleaf.com/learn/latex/Mathematical_expressions}{\color{purple}{here}}
\caption{numbers & meaning}
number & meaning \\
1 & 4.0 \\
2 & 3.7 \\
\caption{numbers \& meaning}
numbers & meaning \\\midrule
1 & 4.0\\
2 & 3.7\\\bottomrule
\normalsize formula~(\ref{eq:vsphere}) at previous slide and Table~\ref{tab:number}。
\item \lipsum[4][1-4]
\item \lipsum[4][5-9]
\item \lipsum[5][1-4]
\item \lipsum[5][5-8]
\nocite{*} % used here because no citation happens in slides
% if there are too many try use:
% \tiny\bibliographystyle{alpha}
{\Huge\calligra Thank You}