Beamer template for Tomsk Polytechnic University
Features light and dark themes, English and Russian TPU logos, social media icons for ‘Contacts’ frame and several extra backgrounds
\documentclass[aspectratio=169]{beamer} % TPU recommends 16:9 ratio, 4:3 may require some work with inner theme .sty file
% Style options:
% light --- light theme (default)
% dark --- dark theme
% enlogo --- english TPU logo {default}
% rulogo --- russian TPU logo
\usetheme[dark]{tpu} % dark theme used as an example of optional argument
%\usepackage[russian]{babel} %uncomment this to work in russian
\usepackage{booktabs} % good looking tables
\usepackage{multicol} % text in multiple columns, useful for side-by-side text and pictures
\hyphenpenalty=10000 % i don’t think hyphenation in presentations is a good idea, feel free to change however you like
\title{Example TPU presentation}
\subtitle{Made possible by \LaTeX\ and Beamer}
\author{Author can be on \\ several lines}
% notice usage of \titleframe and several other unconventional functions
% the reason being is custom backgrounds on these slides
\titleframe % title
\tocframe{} % this custom frame accepts options for ToC
\sectionframe % section title is automatically capitalised
\frametitle{Bullets and alerted text}
Environment \verb"itemize" has green bullets:
\item first item
\item second item
\item third item
Also notice that \alert{alerted} text is green. Bullets and alerted text are {\color{tpugreen}light green} on dark background and {\color{tpudarkgreen}dark green} --- on light
\frametitle{More colours}
There are also several pre-defined colours for usage in tables and graphs
\begin{tabular}{ *{2}{c l} }
\begin{tikzpicture}\fill[color = extragreen] (0,0) rectangle (1,0.5);\end{tikzpicture} & \verb"extragreen" & \begin{tikzpicture}\fill[color = extrared] (0,0) rectangle (1,0.5);\end{tikzpicture} & \verb"extrared" \\
\begin{tikzpicture}\fill[color = extrablue] (0,0) rectangle (1,0.5);\end{tikzpicture} & \verb"extrablue" & \begin{tikzpicture}\fill[color = extraorange] (0,0) rectangle (1,0.5);\end{tikzpicture} & \verb"extraorange"
Pictures can be placed like in every \LaTeX\ document
Package \verb"multicol" is useful for side-by-side composition
There are several pictures provided by TPU as backgrounds for slides, look at \verb"beamerinnerthemetpu.sty" to learn~more
TPU provides icons for most popular social networks. These can be seen used on the `Contacts' frame. Example of usage:
\includegraphics[height=0.6\baselineskip]{icons/white/twitter} @tpu % icon can be placed more beautiful using TikZ, but this is just an example
Icons not related to social networks can be found on the TPU website
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay,every node/.style={scale=2}] % big quotation mark
% \useasboundingbox (0,0) rectangle(\the\paperwidth,\the\paperheight);
\node[inner sep=0] (current page.west) {\Huge \bfseries\color{\TPUsubcolor}<<};
\vskip -0.5\baselineskip % aligning centre of quotation mark to the centre of the first line
TPU provides an example of a citation frame, this is more or less reconstruction of it
You can use this as an example or do it the way you like
% contacts frame accepts main argument (will be in the centre left) and an optional argument (bottom)
% first line or two repeat the \author on the title page
% notice that language of the frame title is connected to the language of the logo
\contactsframe[This will go into\\the green box]{This will be under the author\\
\includegraphics[height=0.6\baselineskip]{icons/white/youtube}\ TPUmedia\\
\includegraphics[height=0.6\baselineskip]{icons/white/instagram}\ @tomskpolytechnicuniversity}