TiKZ Clock
Logan Weinert
4 年前
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
A clock powered by the tikz package

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Discover why over 20 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
%drawing clock
\draw[fill=gray!70,draw=black] (0,0) circle (2.1);
\draw[fill=brown!30] (0,0) circle (2);
%minute markings
\foreach \i in {6,12,18,...,360}{
\draw (\i:1.92) -- (\i:2);
%hour markings
\foreach \j in {0,30,60,...,360}{
\draw (\j:1.4) -- (\j:2);
\foreach \k [count=\inc from 1] in {60,30,0,-30,-60,-90,-120,-150,-180,-210,-240, 90}{
\draw (\k:1.55) node[fill=brown!30] {\texttt{\inc}};
%calculating hand placements
\xdef\anglesecondhand{\fpeval{\DTMfetchsecond{now} * 6}}
\xdef\angleminutehand{\fpeval{{\DTMfetchminute{now} * 6} + {\DTMfetchsecond{now} / 10}}}
\xdef\anglehourhand{\fpeval{(\DTMfetchhour{now} * 30) + (\DTMfetchminute{now} / 2) + (\DTMfetchsecond{now} / 120)}}
%drawing AM/PM and logo
\draw (180:0.9) node[fill=white,draw=black] {\small \texttt{PM}};
\draw (180:0.9) node[fill=white,draw=black] {\small \texttt{AM}};
\draw (90:1.05) node[]{\it \tiny TiKZ Clock};
%drawing hands
\draw[very thick,-latex] (0:0) -- (\fpeval{(360-\angleminutehand) + 90}:1.34);
\draw[very thick,-latex] (0:0) -- (\fpeval{(360-\anglehourhand) + 90}:0.9);
\draw[thin,red,-latex] (0,0) -- (\fpeval{(360-\anglesecondhand) + 90}:1.4);
\draw[fill=black] (0,0) circle (1.3pt);