LaTeX Thesis Template for the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
国科大学位论文 LaTeX 模板
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%- LaTeX Template -%
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%- Copyright (C) Huangrui Mo <>
%- This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
%- under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
%- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
%- (at your option) any later version.
%->> Document class declaration
%- Multiple optional arguments:
%- [<oneside|twoside|print>]% oneside eprint, twoside eprint, or paper print
%- [fontset=<adobe|none|...>]% specify font set instead of automatic detection
%- [scheme=plain]% thesis writing of international students
%- [draftversion]% show draft version information
%- [standard options for ctex book class: draft|paper size|font size|...]%
%->> Document settings
\usepackage[authoryear,list]{Style/artratex}% document settings
%- usage: \usepackage[option1,option2,...,optionN]{artratex}
%- Multiple optional arguments:
%- [bibtex|biber]% set bibliography processor and package
%- [<numbers|super|authoryear|alpha>]% set citation and reference style
%- <numbers>: textual: Jones [1]; parenthetical: [1]
%- <super>: textual: Jones superscript [1]; parenthetical: superscript [1]
%- <authoryear>: textual: Jones (1995); parenthetical: (Jones, 1995)
%- <alpha>: textual: not available; parenthetical: [Jon95]
%- [geometry]% reconfigure page layout via geometry package
%- [lscape]% provide landscape layout environment
%- [xhf]% disable header and footer via fancyhdr package
%- [color]% provide color support via xcolor package
%- [background]% enable page background
%- [tikz]% provide complex diagrams via tikz package
%- [table]% provide complex tables via ctable package
%- [list]% provide enhanced list environments for algorithm and coding
%- [math]% enable some extra math packages
%- [xlink]% disable link colors
\usepackage{Style/artracom}% user defined commands
%->> Document inclusion
%\includeonly{Tex/Chap_1,...,Tex/Chap_N}% selected files compilation
%->> Document content
%-> Titlepage information
%-> Frontmatter: title page, abstract, content list, symbol list, preface
\frontmatter% initialize the environment
\input{Tex/Frontmatter}% title page, abstract
{% content list region
\linespread{1.2}% local line space
\intobmk*{\cleardoublepage}{\contentsname}% add link to bookmark
\tableofcontents% content catalog
\intobmk*{\cleardoublepage}{\listfigurename}% add link to bookmark
\listoffigures% figure catalog
\intobmk*{\cleardoublepage}{\listtablename}% add link to bookmark
\listoftables% table catalog
\input{Tex/Prematter}% symbol list, preface content
%-> Mainmatter
\mainmatter% initialize the environment
\input{Tex/Mainmatter}% main content
%-> Appendix
\appendix% initialize the environment
\input{Tex/Appendix}% appendix content
%-> Backmatter: bibliography, glossary, index
\backmatter% initialize the environment
\intotoc*{\cleardoublepage}{\bibname}% add link to toc
\artxifstreq{\artxbib}{bibtex}{% enable bibtex
\bibliography{Biblio/ref}% bibliography
\printbibliography% bibliography
\input{Tex/Backmatter}% other information