This is an updated template for master thesis at UiB (or other universities) that uses simplified commands and more consistent font size and name. The thesis can be written in a B5 or A4 format.
%\documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{book} % If you want A4 format
\documentclass[b5paper,12pt]{book} % If you want b5 format
\author{FirstName LastName}
\title{Title of the thesis less than 100 characters}
\newcommand{\Thesisplaintitle}{Title of the thesis less than 100 characters}
% !TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode
\chapter{Introduction} \label{ch:intro}
\section{Problem Statement and Objectives}
A table can look like \cref{tab:table}. A picture can be shown as in \cref{fig:dragonspaceship}.
\caption{This is a caption.}
\begin{tabular*}{\linewidth}{l @{\extracolsep{\fill}}cc}
text & text & text \\
text & text & text \\
text & text & text \\
\label{tab:table} % label
\begin{figure}[t!] % "t" is for top
\caption{This is a caption}
Equations can be written as:
A & = 1 +1 \\ \label{equ:2}
C & = \dfrac{3}{x}
where \cref{equ:1} is equation 1. The package cleveref is here used. A list of useful \LaTeX packages is available at \url{}.
\chapter{Instrumentation and methods}
Textual citation by \citet{Gries09} and this parenthetical citation \citep{Van-Dongen12}
\chapter{Results and discussions}
% add more chapters as needed
\renewcommand{\chaptermark}[1]{\markboth{\small Appendix \thechapter. #1}{}}
\chapter{Title of the first appendix} \label{app:freq}
% add more appendices as needed
\bibliographystyle{model5-names} % or another bib style