An attempt to fulfill the format required by the Rio Pipeline 2017 Conference.
\documentclass[a4paper, 10pt]{IBP}
\usepackage[style=abnt,backend=biber]{biblatex} %you have to use this way
\title{Work Title in Times New Roman, 12, Upper Case, Bold, NoItalics or Underlining, Right Align}
Marcelo Lopes de Lima\thanks{Petrobras}, M\'ario Campos\samethanks % Authors
\date{} % do note use
\setyear{2017} % conference year
\setnumber{IBPXXXX\_17} % paper number
\setdays{24-26} % conference days
\setmonth{October} % conference month
% add bibitex source here, before \begin{document}
texto do abstract
\section{First section}
x^2 = a \cdot x + b
\subsection{A subsection}
\section{Second Section}