Template for a Report or Grant Application Section
John Bock (uploaded by LianTze Lim)
9 年前
Other (as stated in the work)
Template for a report or grant application section, downloaded from the Vanderbilt Biostatistics Wiki.
Template for a report or grant application section, downloaded from the Vanderbilt Biostatistics Wiki.
\usepackage[superscript]{cite} % remove to use brackets instead of superscripts in citations
\usepackage{relsize,setspace} % used by latex(describe( ))
\usepackage{url} % may be used in bibliography
pdfauthor={Frank E Harrell Jr},
pdftitle={Bayesian Analysis Plan}]{hyperref}
% removed colorlinks after bookmarks
\newcommand{\code}[1]{\texttt{\smaller #1}}
\parskip 1.25ex
\parindent 0ex
\textwidth 6.75in
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\title{Bayesian Analysis and Monitoring Plan for a Clinical Trial}
\author{Frank E Harrell Jr PhD \\ \smaller Department of Biostatistics \\ Vanderbilt University School of Medicine \\
The paper by Oettle \emph{et al.}~\cite{oet07adj} provided evidence
for efficacy of gemcitabine in improving disease-free survival for
. . .
The results are shown in the figure below.\footnote{Knots
were placed at 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 1, 1.5, 3, and 4
years. Ordinary least squares was used to fit this cumulative hazard
function. Simulations that follow are based on this fitted survival
curve, by drawing random standard exponentially-distributed random variables
and solving for time $t$ so that the fitted spline function equals
the exponential random variable.}