Techno NJR BTech Project Report template
Abrar Ahmed Chhipa
3 年前
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
This Template can be used to prepare the project report.
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\usepackage{subfiles} % Best loaded last in the preamble
\usepackage{lscape} % for landscape tables
\usepackage[intoc, english]{nomencl}
% Save all figures in the folder figures and include them in your
% report using the command \includegraphics{figure-name}
% figure files can be in jpeg,jpg, png or pdf formats
%****The entries in this section are to be filled in by the student with appropriate values *************
% These values are used thorough out the report
% please fill in the appropriate values
\gdef \title{Sample Report Title} % Seminar title
\gdef \author{Abrar Ahmed chhipa} %student name
\gdef \rollno{22ETCEX001} %KTU Reg No
\gdef \acadyear{2021 - 21} % Academic year
\gdef \month{December 2021} %Month of Report submission
\gdef \date{21-12-2021} %Date of signing the declaration
\gdef \dept{Electrical Engineering} %Department
\gdef \deptabbr{Dept.of EE} %Dept name abbreviation
\gdef \degree{Bachelor of Technology} %degree
\gdef \branch{Electrical Engineering} %branch
\gdef \college{Techno India NJR Institute of Technology}
\gdef \collegeplace{Udaipur}
\gdef \guide{Dr. Abrar Ahmed Chhipa} %Project guide
\gdef \guidedes{Assistant Professor}%Project guide designation
\gdef \semcordinatorA{Mr. Rajkumar Soni}% Project coordinator 1
\gdef \semcordinatorAdes{Assistant Professor}% Project coordinator 1 designation
\gdef \semcordinatorB{Prof. Seminar coordinator 2} % Project coordinator 2
\gdef \semcordinatorBdes{Assistant Professor}% Project coordinator 2 designation
\gdef \hod{Dr. Prakash Bahrani} %Head of Department
\gdef \hoddes{Professor and Head} %HOD designation
% The font pages. The source tex files are there in the folder
\include{coverpage} %Unless essential Do not edit this tex file
% To print name of only the seminar coordinator 1 in the certificate page
% To print names of both the seminar coordinators in the certificate page
%\include{certificate2} %Please uncomment this and comment the previous line
\include{declaration} %Unless essential Do not edit this tex file
\include{abstract} % Please type in the abstract in this tex file abstract.tex
% Default Acknowledgement page
\include{acknowledgement} %Unless essential Do not edit this tex file
%%**If you have only one seminar coordinator faculty member
% please comment the above line and uncomment this line
%\include{acknowledgement1} %Unless essential Do not edit this tex file
%%**********************Table of Contents***********************
\include{symbol} %List of Symbols (Optional) comment if not required.
% symbold may be added in the file symbol.tex
%%********************Body of the report**********
% Arabic numbering is used in the body of the report
%%********************Chapter 1**********
Start Writing here your chapter\\
\section{first order}
\subsection{second order}
\subsubsection{third order}
\item first
\item second
\item first
\item second
%%********************Chapter 2**********
\chapter{Literature Review}
Technical writing is writing or drafting technical communication used in technical and occupational fields \cite{AAC1}, such as computer hardware and software\cite{rpi}, engineering, chemistry, aeronautics, robotics, finance\cite{japan}, medical, consumer electronics, biotechnology, and forestry. Technical writing encompasses the largest sub-field in technical communication. See figure \ref{net2} that shows the autonomous systems in Internet.
\caption{Autonomous System Hierarchy}
\lipsum[2] % Please comment this line and type in the introduction chapter
\subsection{title 2}
\lipsum[3] % Please comment this line and type in the introduction chapter
\noindent The system is described by the equation \ref{sys_eq1} below. Here y is the ordinate and x is the abscissa , m is the slope and c a constant.
\begin{equation} \label{sys_eq1}
y = mx + c
\noindent Page centered and unnumbered multiple equations. The * symbol supresses equation numbering.
% Page centered and unnumbered equations
2x - 5y &= 8 \\
3x + 9y &= -12
\noindent Side by side figures can be created using this environment. See fig \ref{wave} below.
\caption{Sine Wave}
\caption{Cosine Wave}
\caption{The Sine and Cosine waves}
%%********************Chapter 3**********
\lipsum[10-15] % Please comment this line and type in the results chapter
\caption{test table}
Sl. No & Item 1 & Itm 2 \\ \hline
1 & 37 & 45 \\ \hline
2 & 42 & 23 \\ \hline
3 & 47 & 1 \\ \hline
4 & 52 & -21 \\ \hline
5 & 57 & -43 \\ \hline
6 & 62 & -65 \\ \hline
7 & 67 & -87 \\ \hline
8 & 72 & -109 \\ \hline
9 & 77 & -131 \\ \hline
10 & 82 & -153 \\ \hline
%%********************Chapter 4**********
%%****This template uses IEEE bibliography style
\bibitem{AAC1} Abrar Ahmed Chhipa, et al., \emph{Adaptive Neuro-fuzzy Inference System Based Maximum Power Tracking Controller for Variable Speed WECS}, 2021 \textit{Energies}, Vol. 14, No. 19, pp.6275.
\bibitem{AAC2} Abrar Ahmed Chhipa, et al., \emph{MPPT optimisation techniques and power electronics for renewable energy systems: wind and solar energy systems}, 2022 \textit{Int. J. Swarm Intelligence (IJSI)}, Vol. 7, No. 2.
\bibitem{AAC3} Abrar Ahmed Chhipa and Vinod Kumar, \emph{DC-Microgrid Voltage Regulation using Dual Active Bridge based SVR},\textit{2021 IEEE 7th International Conference on Electrical Energy Systems (ICEES)}, 2021, pp. 490-495, doi: 10.1109/ICEES51510.2021.9383696.
\bibitem{AAC4} Abrar Ahmed Chhipa and Vinod Kumar, \emph{Grid-Connected PV System Power Forecasting Using Nonlinear Autoregressive Exogenous Model}, \textit{The 2nd Electric Power and Renewable Energy Conference (EPREC-2021)}, 28-30 May, 2021. (In Process)
@online{ Raspberry pi,
Online; accessed 10-June-2019
\bibitem{japan} HU, Yun Chao, et al., \emph{Mobile edge computing?A key technology
towards 5G}, ETSI white paper, 2015, vol. 11, no 11, p. 1-16.