Technical Article Template
Josh Billings
8 年前
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
This is an internal template used for technical articles
Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
This is an internal template used for technical articles
Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
% -----------------------------------Initialize Document----------------------------------------
\usepackage[headheight=12pt, headsep=0pt, nohead, nofoot]{geometry}
\lstset{frame=, basicstyle={\footnotesize\ttfamily}}
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%-----------------------------------------Cover Page----------------------------------------
\title{{\Huge Title {\large\linebreak\\}}{\Large Subtitle\linebreak\linebreak}}
\author{\\Name: Joshua S. Billings\\
EmployeeID: 101794\\
Department: Mechatronics\\\\
Aerotech Inc.\\
Pittsburgh, PA\\
Summer, 2017\\
Type the abstract here
%-----------------------------------------Table of Contents-------------------------------------
% -----------------------------------Section 1----------------------------------------
\section{Section 1}
Content goes here
Content goes here
\subsection{Raspberry Pi}
Content goes here
% -----------------------------------Section 2----------------------------------------
\section{Section 2}
Content goes here
\item \textbf{Listed} text
\item \textbf{Listed} text
\item \textbf{Listed} text
Content goes here
Content goes here
Content goes here
Content goes here
Content goes here
Content goes here
code goes here
% -----------------------------------Section 3----------------------------------------
\section{Section 3}
Content goes here
Content goes here
% -----------------------------------Appendix----------------------------------------
\subsection{Appendix section}
Content goes here
\subsection{Appendix section}
Content goes here
\subsubsection*{Section not in table of contents}
Content goes here
% -----------------------------------REFERENCE----------------------------------------
\bibitem{Erdos01} P. Erd\H os, \emph{A selection of problems and
results in combinatorics}, Recent trends in combinatorics (Matrahaza,
1995), Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 2001, pp. 1--6.