This document serves as a template for Bachelor or Master theses in the 'Chair of Theoretical Computer Science and Theorem Proving' at LMU. It is provided both in English and German.
\documentclass[12pt,letterpaper]{article} % a. Set paper size to Letter, 8½ x 11.
% TODO: change author's name in settings
% TODO: decide on used language
% TODO: change thesis information
\begin{center}\uppercase{Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München}\end{center}
\begin{center}\uppercase{Chair of Theoretical Computer Science and Theorem Proving}\end{center}
\begin{center}\uppercase{Lehr- und Forschungseinheit für Theoretische Informatik und Theorembeweisen}\end{center}
% TODO: decide if english or german
%%%Block Englisch:
\title{Thesis Title}
Thesis type (Bachelor's Thesis / Master's Thesis, \ldots)\\
in course type (Computer Science, Computer Science plus Mathematics, \ldots) \\
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Jasmin Blanchette\\
Advisor: Advisor's name\\
%%%Ende Block Englisch
%%%Block Deutsch:
\title{Titel der Arbeit}
Thesis type (Bachelor's Thesis / Master's Thesis, \ldots)\\
im Studiengang 'Studiengang (Informatik, Informatik plus Mathematik, \ldots)' \\
Betreuer: Prof. Jasmin Blanchette\\
Mentor: Name des Mentors/der Mentorin\\
%%%Ende Block Deutsch
Submission Date: \date{\today} \\
Ablieferungstermin: \date{\today} \\
\input{pages/acknowledgements} % TODO: if you don't have anyone to thank for or don't wish to publish it, comment this line out.
\renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt} %obere Trennlinie
This document serves as a template for bachelor or master theses in the 'Chair of Theoretical Computer Science and Theorem Proving' at \gls{lmu}.
By commenting one of the commands $selectlanguage\{english\}$ or $selectlanguage\{german\}$ the documents language is changed.
\\The template follows the guidelines of the journal \emph{language} (\url{}).
\section{Notes on form}
This LaTeX template uses the following formatting:
\item font: Linux Libertine O (alternatively: Times New Roman)
\item font size: 12 pt
\item left and right margin: 3.5 cm, top and bottom margin: 3 cm
\item align: left
\item line spacing: one and a half (alternative: 15 pt line spacing with 12 pt font size)
When implementing the specifications in Word, it is essential to define style sheets.
The citation method follows the author-year system. Place reference is in the text, footnotes should only be used for explanations and comments. The following notes are taken from the \emph{language} bibliography template from \url{}:\newline
The \emph{Language} style sheet makes a distinction between two kinds of in-text citations: citing a work and citing an author.
\item Citing a work:
\item Two authors are joined by an ampersand (\&).
\item More than two authors are abbreviated with \emph{et al.}
\item No parentheses are placed around the year (though parentheses
may contain the whole citation).
\item Citing an author:
\item Two authors are joined by \emph{and}.
\item More than two authors are abbreviated with \emph{and colleagues}.
\item The year is surrounded by parentheses (with page numbers, if
To provide for both kinds of citations, \verb+language.bst+ capitalizes on the fact that \verb+natbib+ citation commands come in
two flavors. In a typical style compatible with \verb+natbib+, ordinary commands such as \verb+\citet+ and \verb+\citep+ produce short
citations abbreviated with \emph{et al.}, whereas starred commands such as \verb+\citet*+ and \verb+\citep*+ produce a citation with a
full author list. Since \emph{Language} does not require citations with full authors, the style \verb+language.bst+ repurposes the starred commands to be used for citing the author. The following table shows how the \verb+natbib+ citation commands work with \verb+language.bst+.
Command & Two authors & More than two authors \\
\verb+\citet+ & \citet{hale} & \citet{sprouse} \\
\verb+\citet*+ & \citet*{hale} & \citet*{sprouse} \\
\verb+\citep+ & \citep{hale} & \citep{sprouse} \\
\verb+\citep*+ & \citep*{hale} & \citep*{sprouse} \\
\verb+\citealt+ & \citealt{hale} & \citealt{sprouse} \\
\verb+\citealt*+ & \citealt*{hale} & \citealt*{sprouse} \\
\verb+\citealp+ & \citealp{hale} & \citealp{sprouse} \\
\verb+\citealp*+ & \citealp*{hale} & \citealp*{sprouse} \\
\verb+\citeauthor+ & \citeauthor{hale} & \citeauthor{sprouse} \\
\verb+\citeauthor*+ & \citeauthor*{hale} & \citeauthor*{sprouse} \\
\verb+\citefullauthor+ & \citefullauthor{hale} & \citefullauthor{sprouse} \\
Authors of \emph{Language} articles would typically use \verb+\citet*+, \verb+\citep+, \verb+\citealt+ and \verb+\citeauthor*+, though they
could use any of the above commands. There is no command for giving a full list of authors.
The bibliography of this template includes the references of the \emph{language} stylesheet as a sample bibliography.
% TODO: appendix chapter
\bibliographystyle{language-dt} %using language.bst
\bibliography{bibliography} %bib-filename
\nocite{*} %List all bib-entries