ME310 Report Template -- Started 28 July 2006 Mark Cutkosky
24Nov2016: Changes in ordering and content to go with the revised schedule for ME310A in 2016-17
% ME310 Report Template -- Started 28 July 2006 Mark Cutkosky
% 24Nov2016: Changes in ordering and content to go with the revised
% schedule for ME310A in 2016-17
% Rename this file to whatever you like (e.g. OurFallDoc.tex) and modify title, authors
% etc. below. If you rename section files (e.g. Ch2context.tex) you'll need to change
% the \include{ } calls in this document as well.
% Don't modify this stuff unless you know what you're doing...
% We are using the "memoir" class, a widely used set of macros for book-like documents.
% If you get errors that you are missing the "memoir" package you can download and
% install it:
% memoir document class for standard USA letter paper, printed one side
%% Use the 'draft' setting below if things are bogging down in Overleaf.
%% It replaces figures with placeholders, to compile much faster.
%\pagestyle{companion} % If you want to experiment with fancier page headers
\usepackage{graphicx} % standard LaTeX graphics
\usepackage{color} % support for colored fonts
\usepackage{url} \urlstyle{same} % deal with url strings in bibliography
%Optional fonts if you don't like the default in Latex
\usepackage{mathptmx} %This will give you Times Roman, like default in MS Word.
%\usepackage{charter} %This will give you a slightly bolder Charter font
%More special packages to help deal with long requirements tables
%that might span multiple pages.
\usepackage{multirow} %deal with merged cells in tables
\usepackage[pdftex, %Hyperlink cross references, URLs, etc.
pdfsubject={ME310 Documentation},
%The file "me310.sty" should be in the same directory as this file.
% It contains formatting for page setup, titlepage, glossary, references, etc.
%%%%%%%%%%BEGIN TITLE PAGE%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% Some teams will want to replace this rather plain cover sheet with a fancier
%% one that they create by hand in Powerpoint or similar program.
%Replace the strings below with what's right for you.
%%Insert your Document Title here. Use \\ to force a newline.
\title{An Internet Appliance\\
for Individual Well Being}
\team{Our Team Name} % Insert your Team Project Name here.
%% Insert Fall, Winter, Spring here:
\quarter{Fall Design Document}
%%Enter local + global team members' names here:
Person One, Person Two, Person Three\\
Person Four, Person Five, Person Six, Person Seven\\
} %end authors
%% If you don't want it to use the printing date, replace "\today"
%% with the date that you want.
%%%%%%%%%%%END TITLE PAGE%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% Define any abbreviations that will apply throughout the document
% to save typing. Examples:
\def\pmt{{\em Papier M\^{a}ch\`{e}}} %Define "\pmt" to print "Papier Mache" with accents +1space
\def\cbike{{\em Casterbike} \,} %Define "\cbike" to print "Casterbike " italicized +1space
%Allow comments ('remarks') to be shown or hidden.
% Put optional text in \begin{remark} ... \end{remark} environments.
%The usage is counterintuitive: \commentsoff makes them visible; \commentson hides them.
%\commentson{remark} %Don't print remarks.
\commentsoff{remark} %Do print remarks!
%If you want a figure on the cover page, this is where it goes.
%8 cm is about max figure height before messing up title spacing.
%If making your own fancy coverpage (e.g. in Photoshop) then comment out
%the \includegraphics{ } and use the \vspace{ } command.
%An example cover image, from 2008 ME310 Kodak project
\includegraphics[height= 8cm]{Figures/Ch1/KodakThing.pdf}
%\vspace{6 cm} %Use this instead if you have no cover picture
%Make the title page using arguments defined above.
% Load file "Executive.tex" for the Executive summary.
% Remember, this is a stand-alone section for executives to read.
% TOC and LOF are automatically generated. Depending on Latex environment,
% you might have to "compile" THREE times to update all .aux files, TOC,
% cross-references etc.
% This is not an issue with Overleaf, which continuously recompiles.
% Make Table of Contents title smaller than a normal Chapter heading:
\tableofcontents* %asterisk to prevent it from getting a number
% Optional Lists of Figures and Tables:
\listoffigures* %For this you probably want to add the [short-headings] to captions.
%%%%%% Example of an optionally printed "remark"
When creating figures and tables, use "caption[short caption for ToC]\{Long and descriptive caption, as one finds in Nature or Science, etc.\}" to get a nice formatting effect.
%Back to normal size for subsequent sections
% Set up the Glossary. The template is looking for a file called
% "glossaryterms.tex" with glossary terms and definitions.
\input{glossaryterms} % input the list "glossaryterms.tex"
%%%%%% Example of an optionally printed "remark"
It's a sign of a successful team that the glossary becomes extensive. Define any non-obvious or invented terms. For example, if you reference something by an acronym, that might be a glossary term. Teams also coin terms to describe design features. Don't define obvious stuff (axle, keyboard).
%% On to the main sections.... Just comment out the \input{} line
%% for any chapters that aren't ready yet.
\include{Context} %Project and corporate background
\include{Users} %Users, need-finding, personas
\include{Benchmarking} %Relevant technology, systems
\include{Prototyping} %Early Experience and Functional prototypes
\include{Vision} %Current vision or proposal for the design
\include{Requirements} %Given and Identified requirements for vision
\include{Reflections} %Current and future plans.
% This is a two-step process in which you first create a ".bib" file, which is processed
% by bibtex into a ".bbl" file for loading into the document.
% Many online journals and databases now have a feature to automatically download Bib
% citations. BibDesk is a handy (free) program for Macintosh for managing them.
% EndNote and Refworks (is free to Stanford students) are good alternatives.
\bibliographystyle{plainurl310} %Modified slightly from plainurl.bst
\bibliography{me310reportfall} % Look for file called "me310report.bib"
% Alternatively, you can create your own bibliography list by hand.
% In that case, comment out the last line above and replace with \input{OurBibFile}
%%%%%END BIBLIOGRAPHY%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%BEGIN APPENDIX SECTIONS%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\include{Appendix1} % There could be multiple appendix files like this
%%%%%END APPENDIX SECTIONS%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%