Template for the one-minute lighting talking presentation for the São Paulo School of Advanced Science on Learning from Data
%List of packages
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Metadata %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%Separate multiple authors by comma
pdfauthor={Andr\'{e} Mello,
D\'{e}cio Soares,
Hamed Panjeh},
pdftitle={SPSAS19: One-minute lightning talks guidelines},
pdfsubject={Instructions, Tutorials, Guidelines},
pdfkeywords={SPSAS19, guidelines, presentation format},
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Title related %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\setbeamertemplate{subsection in toc}[default]
%The contact for one of the authors MUST be embedded on the title (see below)
\title[Contact: Your Name (youremail@email.com)]{SPSAS19 One-minute talks guidelines}
%Subtitle (if needed)
\subtitle{Fancy subtitle for your presentation}
%For LICENSE, we suggest CC-BY-SA, but you are free to choose your own as long
%as the LICENSE you choose is AT LEAST as permissive as CC-BY-SA
\date[2019]{Institute of Mathematics and Statistics - USP - 2019\\ \vspace{0.5cm} {\includegraphics[height=0.5cm, keepaspectratio]{8831.png}}}
\author[Andr\'{e}, D\'{e}cio, Hamed \hspace{0.2cm} {\includegraphics[height=0.2cm, keepaspectratio]{8015.png}}]{\texorpdfstring{Andr\'{e} Mello; \\ D\'{e}cio Soares; \\ Hamed Panjeh.}{}}
\institute[University of S\~{a}o Paulo (USP)]{University of S\~{a}o Paulo (USP)}
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Presentation begins here %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\frametitle{Main objectives}
The main objectives of this presentation are:
\item Provide a guideline for the preparation of the one-minute lighting talking;
\item Present a suggested format for the presentation;
\item Give some advice's on how to summarize your entire work into a minute;
\begin{section}{General guidelines}
\frametitle{General guidelines}
\item Short presentation (very few slides);
\item Prefer figures instead text;
\item Graphics instead of tables;
\item No time for QA, but leave your contact info;
\frametitle{Suggested structure}
\item Main area of the work/interest;
\item Very brief presentation of the objectives of your work/interest;
\item Very brief presentation of results (if any).