Snowmass2021 LOI Template - Cosmic Frontier
Alex Drlica-Wagner
4 年前
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Letter of Interest (LOI) template for the Snowmass2021 process. More details on Snowmass LOIs can be found here:
Letter of Interest (LOI) template for the Snowmass2021 process. More details on Snowmass LOIs can be found here:
\geometry{letterpaper, portrait, margin=1in}
\usepackage[usenames]{xcolor} %used for font color
colorlinks=true, % false: boxed links; true: colored links
linkcolor=xlinkcolor, % color of internal links
citecolor=xlinkcolor, % color of links to bibliography
filecolor=xlinkcolor, % color of file links
urlcolor=xlinkcolor, % color of external link
% part of template, but does not look good
Snowmass2021 - Letter of Interest \hfill \\[+1em]
\textit{[Replace with Your Title]} \hfill \\[+1em]
\noindent {\large \bf Thematic Areas:} (check all that apply $\square$/$\blacksquare$)
\noindent $\square$ (CF1) Dark Matter: Particle Like \\
\noindent $\square$ (CF2) Dark Matter: Wavelike \\
\noindent $\square$ (CF3) Dark Matter: Cosmic Probes \\
\noindent $\square$ (CF4) Dark Energy and Cosmic Acceleration: The Modern Universe \\
\noindent $\square$ (CF5) Dark Energy and Cosmic Acceleration: Cosmic Dawn and Before \\
\noindent $\square$ (CF6) Dark Energy and Cosmic Acceleration: Complementarity of Probes and New Facilities \\
\noindent $\square$ (CF7) Cosmic Probes of Fundamental Physics \\
\noindent $\square$ (Other) {\it [Please specify frontier/topical group]} \\
\noindent {\large \bf Contact Information:} (authors listed after the text)\\
Submitter Name/Institution: \\
Collaboration (optional): \\
Contact Email: \\
\noindent {\large \bf Abstract:} (must fit on this page)
% LOI text
\noindent {\it Insert your white paper text here (maximum of 2 pages including figures).}
\noindent {\large \bf References:} (hyperlinks welcome)
\noindent {\large \bf Authors:} (names and institutions)