smu_lyle_dissertation_template_9.5 update Aug 2022
SMU Graduate Student
8 个月前
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
SMU Lyle Dissertation

Discover why over 20 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
Discover why over 20 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
\documentclass [12pt, oneside] {smudissertation}
\input{settings/custom_packages.tex} % verticle spacing for figures, tables and captions can be adjusted here. Also includes some useful LaTeX packages.
%\setstretch{1.5} %Uncomment and modify this value to change line spacing. Template uses 1.5 by default.
%%% Start: About todonotes
% Todo notes depend on the package todonotes. It is already added to the custom_pakages.tex file
% To hide the list of all the todo notes added to the document
% comment the command \listoftodos[List of Todo Notes] at the very end of the LaTeX file
% Uncomment next line if you want to keep all the todo note commands in your .tex files but disable them from showing up in the PDF files.
%\usepackage[disable]{todonotes} %uncomment this to disable notes
%%% End: About todonotes
% To reduce the compiled pdf sizes while edting the document,
% you may uncomment the \includeonly{filelist} command below.
% This way only the files included in the list below are compiled
% and included in the pdf file.
% Uncommenting the command below will produce a pdf file that consist of preliminary pages and the introduction chapter
\begin{document} %\layout
\frontmatter % \frontmatter uses roman numerals for page numbering
\makemainmatter % slight tweaks to the native \mainmatter command
\backmatter % include appendix and bibliography under backmatter. Chapters under \backmatter are not numbered
% Bibliography goes below.
% Check with specific department on the appropriate bibliography style to use.
% This dissertation guide includes August 26, 2015 version of IEEEtran bibtex style file.
% You can download the latest IEEEtran style (.bst) files from:
% http://tug.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/IEEEtran/bibtex/
\nocite{*} %This adds uncited references from your bib file to bibliography
\raggedright % do not justify refrences
\begin{singlespace} % use single spacing for bibliography
\renewcommand{\bibname}{BIBLIOGRAPHY} % Users can change the title here
\clearpage % need for \addcontentsline to use the correct page number
\phantomsection % Optional. Uses hyperref package. Creates correct ToC links
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\bibname} % Add bib to the Table of Contents
\bibliography{bibtex/IEEEabrv,bibtex/mybib} % list .bib files here. Do not add any whitespaces after the comma between two filenames here. Copyright notices have been added to a few sample citations to demonstrate how that can be done.
%\listoftodos[List of Todo Notes] %uncomment this to see a list of all the todo notes in the document