SINTEF Test Report
Federico Zenith
3 年前
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Test report class for the reserarch institution SINTEF

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Discover why over 20 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
\title{The \texttt{sinteftestreport} class}
\subtitle{A \LaTeX\ class}
\author{Federico Zenith}
\client{SINTEF \LaTeX\ users}
\datereceived{July 12, 1945}
\testlocation{White Sands}
\testdate{July 16, 1945}
\abstract{\LaTeX\ is just better.}
\prepared{Federico Zenith}
\Huge \LaTeX\\
This class is very similar to \texttt{sintefreport}.
The simplest test report you can write is:
\title{My Report}
Hello world!
Use \verb|\frontmatter| to set up the front page, history page and
table of contents, and \verb|\backmatter| to set up the back cover.
Fields can be set with several commands.
All relevant fields default to a ``Set with \verb|\command|'' description,
so, to know which command to use to set a certain field, just compile a the
empty file and look at the resulting PDF.
This class inherits from \texttt{sintefdoc}, so everything mentioned in that
class' documentation is valid here as well.
In particular, this class passes the \texttt{report} option to
If you prefer the old style inherited from \texttt{article}, or want to compile
some old reports, you can predictably pass the \texttt{article} class option.