SINTEF Meeting Minutes
Federico Zenith
3 年前
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Meeting minutes template for the research institution SINTEF

Discover why over 20 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
Meeting minutes template for the research institution SINTEF
Discover why over 20 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
\title{The \texttt{sintefminutes} Package}
\author{Federico Zenith}
\wheremeeting{Bitbucket and Overleaf}
\whenmeeting{None too soon}
\participant[information]{SINTEF employees}
\participant[information]{\LaTeX\ hackers}
\participant[present]{\LaTeX\ users}
\participant[absent]{Word users}
\item Prepare \LaTeX\ class for meeting minutes
\item Hold meeting
\item Write minutes
\item Compile
\section*{Meeting minutes}
This class allows to write meeting minutes in the SINTEF official style.
It is a subclass of \texttt{sintefdoc}, so see its documentation too.
Title, author and date are set with \LaTeX's usual commands
\verb|\title|, \verb|\author| and \verb|\date|.
Several other options are self-documenting and will default to a useful
tooltip \texttt{set with \textbackslash command}.
The author is always first in the participants list, and is marked automatically
as present.
Other participants can be added with the \verb|\participant| command, which
takes \emph{one} of the following optional arguments: \verb|present|, \verb|absent|
and \verb|information|.
For example,
\participant[present]{\LaTeX\ users}
Participants should be set in the preamble.
The task list is defined by writing the tasks with the \verb|\task| command, which
takes three arguments for task description, responsible and due date, as
\task{Learn \LaTeX}{Word users}{ASAP}
To print out the task list, use the \verb|\tasklist| command.
The task list is numbered automatically.
\task{Learn \LaTeX}{Word users}{ASAP}
\task{Check this template}{\TeX perts}{Anytime}
\task{Enjoy}{\LaTeX\ users}{From now on}