Simple Academic CV
Sarah Lang
5 年前
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
A simple academic CV / resume template.
This is the blog post to go with it. It will also be maintained on this github repo.
A simple academic CV / resume template.
This is the blog post to go with it. It will also be maintained on this github repo.
\usepackage[margin=2cm, a4paper]{geometry}
% colours
\title{Jack Sparrow}
\author{Curriculum Vitae}
% usage \namebox{paper margin size (geometry)}{background color}{font color}{text}
\section*{Short Resumé}
\begin{tabular}{r| p{0.4\textwidth} c}
\cvevent{2018--2021}{Captain of the Black Pearl}{Lead}{East Indies \color{cvgray!30}}{Finally got the goddamn ship back.}{disney.png} \\
\cvevent{2019}{Freelance Pirate}{Bucaneering}{Tortuga \color{cvgray!30}}{This and that. The usual, aye?}{medal.jpeg} \\
\cvevent{2016--2017}{Captain of the Black Pearl}{Lead}{Tortuga \color{cvgray!30}}{Found a secret treasure, lost the ship.}{medal.jpeg}
\section*{Certificates \& Grants}
\begin{tabular}{>{\footnotesize\bfseries}r >{\footnotesize}p{0.55\textwidth}}
1708 & Captain's Certificates \\
1710 & Travel grant \\
1715--1716 & Grant from the Pirate's Company
\begin{tabular}{r p{0.6\textwidth} c}
\cvdegree{1710}{Captain}{Certified}{Tortuga \color{cvgray!30}}{}{disney.png} \\
\cvdegree{1715}{Bucaneering}{M.A.}{London \color{cvgray!30}}{}{medal.jpeg} \\
\cvdegree{1720}{Bucaneering}{B.A.}{London \color{cvgray!30}}{}{medal.jpeg}
\begin{tabular}{>{\footnotesize\bfseries}r >{\footnotesize}p{0.7\textwidth}}
1729 & \emph{How I almost got killed by Lady Swan}, Tortuga Printing Press. \\
1720 & ``Privateering for Beginners'', in: \emph{The Pragmatic Pirate} (1/1720).
\begin{tabular}{>{\footnotesize\bfseries}r >{\footnotesize}p{0.6\textwidth}}
Nov. 1726 & ``How I lost my ship (\& and how to get it back)'', at: \emph{Annual Pirate's Conference} in Tortuga, Nov. 1726.
% usage \hobbyicon{<fontawesome icon}{Text}{background color of circle}{size of icon}{space text below icon}
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\hobbyicon{\faBook}{The Code}{cvgray!30}{\huge}{2em} \hfill
\hobbyicon{\faComment}{Parler}{cvgray!30}{\huge}{2em} \hfill
\hobbyicon{\faLaptop}{Phising}{cvgray!30}{\huge}{2em} \hfill
\footer{black!70}{cvgray!30}{Jack Sparrow}{The Black Pearl}{Tortuga}{0099/333 5647380}{}
% \footer{font color}{icon color}{name}{Street}{Town}{phone number}{email}