Seminar Paper Review Template
Jean-Luc Lugrin
5 年前
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Template for Paper Review

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Template for Paper Review
Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
\title{ATMCS Review Template}
Reviewer Name and Student ID \\
\emph{Write here}
A better paper was written by ~\cite{Hoang:2017:ASP:3025453.3025860}
\section{Comments to Committee }
\emph{Write here} (Hidden from authors)
\item[\done] Strong Accept: I would argue strongly for accepting this paper; 5.0
\item Between possibly accept and strong accept; 4.5
\item Possibly Accept: I would argue for accepting this paper; 4.0
\item Between neutral and possibly accept; 3.5
\item Neutral: I am unable to argue for accepting or rejecting this paper; 3.0
\item Between possibly reject and neutral; 2.5
\item Possibly Reject: The submission is weak and probably shouldn't be accepted, but there is some chance it should get in; 2.0
\item Between reject and possibly reject; 1.5
\item Reject: I would argue for rejecting this paper; 1.0
Provide your expertise in the topic area of this paper.
\item[\done] Expert
\item Knowledgeable
\item Passing Knowledge
\item No Knowledge