Sejong University MS Thesis (unofficial)
2 年前
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
This is an UNOFFICIAL MS Thesis Template for Sejong University.

Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
\title{Thesis Title}
\author{Everdeen Katniss}
\date{February 2023}
\department{Department of XXX}
\adviser{Prof. Hong Gildong}
\committeechair{Prof. AAA}
\committeemember{Prof. BBB}
Please put the abstract here.
Sejong University, Template, Masters, Thesis, Unofficial, Graduate School
% Table of Contents %
% Chapters %
This is a sample document to guide you in the MS thesis format at
Sejong University. With most articles being written in Latex, I wonder
why there is no template available. So, I created one. You can use this
as a template and change it however you like. Note that there are three
different examples shown at \url{https://sejong-kr.libguides.com/
c.php?g=930661&p=6770589} currently.
\subsection{Sample Figure}
\subsection{Sample Table}
Row 1 & Yes \\
Row 2 & No
This is a sample citation \cite{sample}.
% References %
% * Refer to https://sejong-kr.libguides.com/c.php?g=930661&p=6725457
% for the appropriate citation style of your field.
% APPENDIX/INDEX (optional) %
% Korean Abstract %
Sejong University, Template, Masters, Thesis, Unofficial, Graduate School
% Acknowledgements (optional) %