RRI - WP - Template
Juan Tomas Sayago
3 年前
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
This template allows the user to publish in the RRI working paper series.

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% RRI template for Working papers
% Original author:
% Juan Tomas Sayago
% Instructions for using this template:
% This title page compiles as is. If you wish to include this title page in
% another document, you will need to copy everything before
% \begin{document} into the preamble of your document. The title page is
% then included using \titleAT within your document.
\usepackage{xcolor} % Required to specify font color
\newcommand{\Doctitle}{Document Title} % Generic publisher logo
\newcommand{\Docstitle}{Document subtitle} % Generic publisher logo
\newcommand{\DocAuthor}{Insert Author(s) name(s) here} % Generic publisher logo
\author[1]{Author A\thanks{A.A@university.edu}}
\author[1]{Author B\thanks{B.B@university.edu}}
\author[1]{Author C\thanks{C.C@university.edu}}
\author[2]{Author D\thanks{D.D@university.edu}}
\author[2]{Author E\thanks{E.E@university.edu}}
\affil[1]{Department of Computer Science, \LaTeX\ University}
\affil[2]{Department of Mechanical Engineering, \LaTeX\ University}
\renewcommand\Authands{ and }
\title{\Doctitle} % Article title
\newcommand*{\WDnumber}{2014-01} % Generic publisher logo
\newcommand*{\keywords}{Regional economics} % Generic publisher logo
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
\RequirePackage{fancyhdr} % Needed to define custom headers/footers
\RequirePackage{lastpage} % Number of pages in the document
\pagestyle{fancy} % Enables the custom headers/footers
% Headers
\lhead{\includegraphics[width=1.5cm]{RRI_logo.png} }%
\rhead{ \thepage/\pageref{LastPage}} %Logo MEI to include
% Footers
\renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt}% % No header rule
\renewcommand{\footrulewidth}{0pt}% % No footer rule
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
\newcommand*{\titleRRITD}{\begingroup % Create the command for including the title page in the document
\centering % Center all text
{\Huge \textbf{Regional Research Institute}}\\[0.5\baselineskip] % RRI
{\Huge \textbf{West Virginia University}}\\[1.5\baselineskip] % RRI
{\large \textbf{Working Paper Series}}\\[0.75\baselineskip] % Series name
\vspace{0.8cm} % Whitespace between the title and short horizontal line
\centering % Center all text
{\Large \textcolor{wvublue}{\textbf{\Doctitle}}}\\[0.5\baselineskip] % Document title
{\large \textcolor{wvublue}{\textbf{\Docstitle}}}\\[0.75\baselineskip] %Document subtitle
{\large \textsc{\DocAuthor}}\par % Author(s) name(s)
\vfill % Whitespace between the author name and publisher text
{\Large Working Paper Number \WDnumber}\\[0.5\baselineskip] %[Enter TechDoc number here. 20XX-XX format <year-number>. Add R# if revised, e.g., 2013-01R3 for revision 3. Obtain TechDoc number from RRI Office Admin]
%{\large Date submitted: }\\ % Publisher
%{\large Date revised: }\\ %
{\large Website address: \url{rri.wvu.edu}}\\
% Removes page numbers
\titleRRITD % This command includes the title page
Click here to enter a concise, 1-2 sentence description
Keywords: \keywords
JEL Classification: \JELCODES
Place text and mathematical description here \cite{Figueredo:2009dg}
\section*{Supporting Algorithm(s)/Code}
Matlab (or other) Code here. Not all TechDocs will have code or supporting algorithms. Those that do not should delete this heading and section. Code should be self-documenting and in the form of a function if and when possible.
Sample of matlab code: %Using package mcode
a = 1; % MATLAB comment
b = 2;
c = a^2 + b^2;
References go here unless included in footnotes. Footnotes should be kept to a minimum, however, so if there are many references, a reference section is preferred.
Not all Working papers will have code or references. Those that do not should delete this heading and section