Report Template
Mazen Amria
3 年前
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
This template has been prepared to be used for college assignments and reports.
Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
% This style is used to create block diagrams, you'll find it useful since many of your figures would be of that form, I'll try add more styles in the future :)
\tikzset{block/.style = {draw, fill=blue!20, rectangle,
minimum height=3em, minimum width=4em},
input/.style = {coordinate},
output/.style = {coordinate}
\renewcommand\listoflistingscaption{List of Listings}
\geometry{a4paper, margin=1in}
%----------EDIT COVER INFO HERE -----------------%
\def \LOGOPATH {assets/birzeit-logo.svg}
\def \DEPARTEMENT {Department of Electrical \& Computer Engineering}
\def \COURSENAME {Course Name}
\def \REPORTTITLE {Report Title}
\def \STUDENTNAME {Student's Name}
\def \INSTRUCTOR {Instructor's Name}
\includesvg[width=0.7\textwidth]{\LOGOPATH} \\
\hfill \\
\Large{\textbf{Prepared by:} \STUDENTNAME} \\
\Large{\textbf{Instructor:} \INSTRUCTOR} \\
\Large{\textbf{Date:} \today}
%--------------ABSTRACT ------------------------%
You can check the \mintinline{text}{cites.bib} in order to add references (it would be automatically added to the report once you cite it\cite{rfc3447} with \mintinline{latex}{\cite{tag}}). For the figures I do not prefer static figures, I like to generate them with TikZ, but in case you've needed some static figures you can add them to the \mintinline{text}{assets} directory to keep your files organized.
%--------------INTRODUCTION ---------------------%
Tables can be built and labeled like this, adding a new row requires adding new line of entries, separated by \mintinline{latex}{&} and ends with \mintinline{latex}{\\}, while adding new column requires adding \mintinline{latex}{l} in the \mintinline[escapeinside=!!]{latex}{\!!begin{tabular}{llll}} part.
\caption{Table Caption}
\textbf{Title 1} & \textbf{Title 2} & \textbf{Title 3} & \textbf{Title 4} \\
Entry 1 & Entry 2 & Entry 3 & Entry 4 \\
Entry 5 & Entry 6 & Entry 7 & Entry 8 \\
you can add figures with captions, also you may label them and reference them again with \mintinline{latex}{\ref{fig:fig1}}.
\caption{Birzeit Logo (PNG)}
\caption{Birzeit Logo (SVG)}
Or you can generate figures using TikZ, I've provided some styles to generate block diagrams as in Figure \ref{fig:arch_comp}, but I won't be able to explain TikZ syntax for you so please try figure it out by yourself (it isn't hard to understand). Also you can add subfigures using \mintinline{latex}{subfigure} environment\footnote{Environment means a block surrounded by \mintinline[escapeinside=!!]{latex}{\!!begin{envname}} and \mintinline[escapeinside=!!]{latex}{\!!end{envname}}}.
\node[input] (mi) {};
\node[block,right=of mi] (a) {$\mathrm{E}\left(p_k, \cdot\right)$};
\node[block,right=of a] (b) {$\mathrm{D}\left(s_k, \cdot\right)$};
\node[input,below=of a] (pk) {};
\node[input,below=of b] (sk) {};
\node[output, right=of b] (mo) {};
\draw[draw,->] (mi) -- node[above] {$m$} (a);
\draw[draw,->] (pk) -- node[left] {$p_k$} (a);
\draw[draw,->] (a) -- node[above] {$c$} (b);
\draw[draw,->] (sk) -- node[left] {$s_k$} (b);
\draw[draw,->] (b) -- node[above] {$m$} (mo);
\caption{Public-Key Architecture}
\node[input] (mi) {};
\node[block,right=of mi] (a) {$\mathrm{E}\left(k, \cdot\right)$};
\node[block,right=of a] (b) {$\mathrm{D}\left(k, \cdot\right)$};
\node[input,below=of a] (pk) {};
\node[input,below=of b] (sk) {};
\node[output, right=of b] (mo) {};
\draw[draw,->] (mi) -- node[above] {$m$} (a);
\draw[draw,->] (pk) -- node[left] {$k$} (a);
\draw[draw,->] (a) -- node[above] {$c$} (b);
\draw[draw,->] (sk) -- node[left] {$k$} (b);
\draw[draw,->] (b) -- node[above] {$m$} (mo);
\caption{Symmetric-Key Architecture}
\caption{Public-Key vs. Symmetric-Key: Architecture}
you can use \mintinline{latex}{align} environment to insert aligned equations like this
& \tau = 28\;s \\
& \omega = 2 \pi \frac{2}{60} = 0.209\;rad/s \\
& \begin{aligned}[t]
lag &= \frac{\theta (\omega)}{\omega} = \frac{\arctan (\omega \tau)}{\omega} \\
&= \frac{\arctan (0.209 \cdot 28)}{0.209} \\
&= 6.69\;s
or you can insert \mintinline{latex}{\notag} at the end of each line to prevent it from being enumerated.
& \tau = 28\;s \notag\\
& \omega = 2 \pi \frac{2}{60} = 0.209\;rad/s \notag\\
& \begin{aligned}[t]
lag &= \frac{\theta (\omega)}{\omega} = \frac{\arctan (\omega \tau)}{\omega} \\
&= \frac{\arctan (0.209 \cdot 28)}{0.209} \\
&= 6.69\;s
\end{aligned} \notag
And you can insert one line equation with \mintinline{latex}{equation} environment.
A = 15 \cdot B
and \mintinline{latex}{equation*} environment to prevent the equation from being enumerated.
A = 15 \cdot B
And inline math if you want with \mintinline{latex}{$Expression$} like this $A = 15$.
Listing \ref{lst:sample_C} shows a sample listing for C++ code.
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int n; cin >> n;
int a[n];
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
cin >> a[i];
sort(a, a + n);
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
cout << a[i];
return 0;
\caption{Sample Code}
Listing \ref{lst:sample_plain} shows a sample listing for shell session.
$ g++ main.cpp
$ ./a.out
3 2 4 1
1 2 3 4
\caption{Sample Output}
Feel free to use this template for your reports.