Presentation Template IFES-beamer
Humberto da Silva Neto
6 年前
Other (as stated in the work)
LaTeX template for presentations.
Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
LaTeX template for presentations.
Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
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% Presentation info %
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\title[Presentation Template]{Presentation Title}
Instituto Federal do Espiríto Santo\\
Campus Vitória
\subject{Presentation subject} % metadata
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% Title + Schedule %
% --------------------------------------------------- %
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% Presentation %
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Normal text \alert{Alert Text} \exemple{Example Text} \emph{Emphasis Text}
\begin{block}{Simple block}
\item ...
\begin{exampleblock}{Example block}
\item ...
\begin{alertblock}{Alert block}
\item ...
A purple box}
An orange box}
A gray box}
\begin{tcolorbox}[tablegreen,tabularx={X||Y|Y|Y|Y||Y}, boxrule=0.5pt, title=My price table]
Color & Price 1 & Price 2 & Price 3 \\\hline\hline
Red & 10.00 & 20.00 & 30.00 \\\hline
Green & 20.00 & 30.00 & 40.00 \\\hline
Blue & 30.00 & 40.00 & 50.00 \\\hline\hline
Orange & 60.00 & 90.00 & 120.00
\begin{frame}{Blocks types}
\begin{block}{Simple block}
\item First point
\item Second point
\item Third point
\begin{exampleblock}{Examples block}
\item First point
\item Second point
\item Third point
\begin{alertblock}{Alert block}
\item First point
\item Second point
\item Third point
\subsection{List items}
\item ...
\item ...
\item ...
\subsection{Numbered list}
\item ...
\item ...
\item ...
\subsection{Descriptive list}
\item [Theme 1:] ...
\item [Theme 2:] ...
\item [Theme 3:] ...
\begin{frame}{Tables 1}
\begin{tcolorbox}[tablered,tabularx={X||Y|Y}, boxrule=0.5pt, title=My price table]
Couleur & Prix 1 & Prix 2 \\\hline\hline
Rouge & 10.00 & 20.00 \\\hline
Vert & 20.00 & 30.00 \\\hline
Bleu & 30.00 & 40.00 \\\hline\hline
Orange & 60.00 & 90.00
\begin{tcolorbox}[tableorange,tabularx={X||Y|Y}, boxrule=0.5pt, title=My price table]
Couleur & Prix 1 & Prix 2 \\\hline\hline
Rouge & 10.00 & 20.00 \\\hline
Vert & 20.00 & 30.00 \\\hline
Bleu & 30.00 & 40.00 \\\hline\hline
Orange & 60.00 & 90.00
\begin{tcolorbox}[tableblue,tabularx={X||Y|Y}, boxrule=0.5pt, title=My price table]
Couleur & Prix 1 & Prix 2 \\\hline\hline
Rouge & 10.00 & 20.00 \\\hline
Vert & 20.00 & 30.00 \\\hline
Bleu & 30.00 & 40.00 \\\hline\hline
Orange & 60.00 & 90.00
\begin{tcolorbox}[tableyellow,tabularx={X||Y|Y}, boxrule=0.5pt, title=My price table]
Couleur & Prix 1 & Prix 2 \\\hline\hline
Rouge & 10.00 & 20.00 \\\hline
Vert & 20.00 & 30.00 \\\hline
Bleu & 30.00 & 40.00 \\\hline\hline
Orange & 60.00 & 90.00
\begin{frame}{Tables 2}
\begin{tcolorbox}[tablegrey,tabularx={X||Y|Y}, boxrule=0.5pt, title=My price table]
Couleur & Prix 1 & Prix 2 \\\hline\hline
Rouge & 10.00 & 20.00 \\\hline
Vert & 20.00 & 30.00 \\\hline
Bleu & 30.00 & 40.00 \\\hline\hline
Orange & 60.00 & 90.00
\begin{tcolorbox}[tablebrown,tabularx={X||Y|Y}, boxrule=0.5pt, title=My price table]
Couleur & Prix 1 & Prix 2 \\\hline\hline
Rouge & 10.00 & 20.00 \\\hline
Vert & 20.00 & 30.00 \\\hline
Bleu & 30.00 & 40.00 \\\hline\hline
Orange & 60.00 & 90.00
\begin{tcolorbox}[tablepurple,tabularx={X||Y|Y}, boxrule=0.5pt, title=My price table]
Couleur & Prix 1 & Prix 2 \\\hline\hline
Rouge & 10.00 & 20.00 \\\hline
Vert & 20.00 & 30.00 \\\hline
Bleu & 30.00 & 40.00 \\\hline\hline
Orange & 60.00 & 90.00
\begin{tcolorbox}[tableblack,tabularx={X||Y|Y}, boxrule=0.5pt, title=My price table]
Couleur & Prix 1 & Prix 2 \\\hline\hline
Rouge & 10.00 & 20.00 \\\hline
Vert & 20.00 & 30.00 \\\hline
Bleu & 30.00 & 40.00 \\\hline\hline
Orange & 60.00 & 90.00
\begin{frame}{Figure Example}
\caption{Example images from the \href{}{CIFAR-10} dataset.}
\section{Equations and Codes}
\frametitle{Equation Example}
Some random equation:
\frac{\partial}{\partial \theta_k}J(\theta)
&= \frac{\partial}{\partial \theta_k}\Bigg[\frac{1}{m}\sum_{k=1}^m log(1+e^{-y^{(i)}\theta^Tx^{(i)}})\Bigg] \\
&= \frac{1}{m}\sum_{k=1}^m \frac{1}{1+e^{-y^{(i)}\theta^Tx^{(i)}}}y^{(i)}x_k^{(i)} \\
&= -\frac{1}{m}\sum_{k=1}^m h_\theta(-y^{(i)}x^{(i)})y^{(i)}x_k^{(i)}
\frametitle{Code Example}
% \begin{block}{Code}
% \begin{lstlisting}
% def code():
% # test comments #1
% if True:
% for _ in range(5):
% print("Hello World 5 times")
% return None
% \end{lstlisting}
% \end{block}
% \begin{lstlisting}[backgroundcolor = \color{lightgray}]
% def code():
% # test comments #1
% if True:
% for _ in range(5):
% print("Hello World 5 times")
% return None
% \end{lstlisting}