Presentation Template for UFR PHITEM - UGA
6 个月前
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Template for courses presentation at UFR Phitem (UGA)

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Discover why over 20 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
% Load necessary packages
\usepackage{graphicx} % For including images
\usepackage{booktabs} % For better tables (optional)
\usepackage{hyperref} % For hyperlinks (optional)
\usepackage{helvet} % If you prefer use Calibri Style font (similar) comments helvet font style (look like Arial Style)
% Title and Subtitle
\title{Titre de la Présentation}
\subtitle{Sous-titre de la Présentation}
\author{Votre Nom}
\institute{UFR \textbf{P}hysique \textbf{I}ngénierie and \textbf{T}erre \textbf{E}nvironnement, \textbf{M}écanique, Université Grenoble-Alpes}
% Title Frame
\begin{frame}[plain] % Plain unable the enumation of main slide page.
% Section 1
% Slide 1
\item Point clé 1
\item Point clé 2
\item Point clé 3
% Slide 2
\begin{block}{Observation 1}
Simmons Hall is composed of metal and concrete.
\begin{exampleblock}{Observation 2}
Simmons Dormitory is composed of brick.
Simmons Hall $\not=$ Simmons Dormitory.
% Section 2
% Slide 3
\item Étape 1
\item Étape 2
\item Étape 3
% Section 3
% Slide 4
\item Résultat 1
\item Résultat 2
\item Résultat 3
% Conclusion
% Slide 5
\item Conclusion 1
\item Conclusion 2
% End Slide (Optional)
{\LARGE Merci pour votre attention !}