Post-modern Report
M Harshvardhan
5 年前
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
This a template based on papers package, modified by me.

Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
This a template based on papers package, modified by me.
Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
\usepackage{blindtext} %for dummy text. Can remove when used with real text.
\usepackage{tabu} %for tables
\usepackage [english]{babel}
\usepackage [autostyle, english = american]{csquotes}
\lhead{Psychology III}
\title{A fancy title for your assignment}
\institution{2016IPM043 \\
Section - `A'}
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\hrule \hrule
\textbf{Instructor's Name:} Prof. John Doe\\
\textbf{Course:} Social Psychology in Business Environment\\
\textbf{Date of Submission:} \today %change today to other dates of submissions
Hey, this is a template for assignment submissions at college. Don't try to make sense of the text in the document, they're copy-paste of my other assignments and are completely out of context. Edit it as you need and have fun!
\blindtext[2] %used for random text
\section{Background and Introduction}
The effect is usually accompanied with,
\item First item
\item Second item
\item Extend this list
\section*{Examples} %Unnumbered sections. Use \section{Examples} for numbered sections.
Some real life examples of this effect are following,
\item First item
\item Second item
\item More items
\cite{fest1959} gave an interesting account about forced compliance. You can also cite this paper in-paragraph. \citep{fest1959}
\section{Mathematical Tools and Computer Codes}
\subsection{Some symbols $\theta_k = - \beta^{\alpha_k} \rho_k$}
Another possible parrametrisation is $\theta_k = \beta^{\alpha_k} \rho_k$. The correlation function then used is,
cov(z(x_i),z(x_j)) = \frac{1}{\Gamma(\nu)} \sum_{k=1}^{p} \rho_k^{2^\alpha_k |x_{ij} - x_{jk}|^\alpha_k}.
\paragraph{Euclidean Distance.} It is defined as,
d_0 = \sqrt[]{\sum_{j=1}^n (x_i - y_i)^2},
where $x_i$ and $y_i$ refer to different observations of Variable i where there are n variables.
\subsection{Computer Codes}
fviz_cluster(list(data = x, cluster = sub))
#developing tanglegram - comparative tanglegram between average linkages for
correlation and euclidean distances
d1=as.dendrogram (hc)
d2=as.dendrogram (hc1)
tanglegram(d1, d2)
\subsection{Using matrices}
It can also be written as
MSE(\hat{y}(x)) = \sigma^2 \left[ 1-(f'(x)r'(x)) \left(
0 & F' \\
F & R
\right)^{-1} \right].
\section{Tables and Images}
Here is a table,
\textbf{Attribute} & \textbf{Explanation} & \textbf{Type}\\ \hline \hline
FRESH & Annual Spending on Fresh Products & Continuous\\ \hline
MILK & Annual Spending on Milk Products & Continuous\\ \hline
GROCERY & Annual Spending on Grocery Products & Continuous\\ \hline
FROZEN & Annual Spending on Frozen Products & Continuous\\ \hline
DETERGENTS & Annual Spending on Detergent & Continuous\\ \hline
DELICATESSEN & Annual Spending on delicatessen products & Continuous\\ \hline
CHANNEL & Hotel/Restaurant/Cafe & Nominal\\ \hline
REGION & Region (Lisnon, Oporto or Other) & Nominal\\ \hline
Here is an image.
\caption{Cluster Plot for the clusters obtained.}
%Beginning References. Don't add any text beyond this.
\newpage %sending References to the last page
\end {document}