PNLD2023 Abstract Template
Dhrubajyoti Biswas, Samana Pranesh, Sayan Gupta
2 年前
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Template for Abstracts for PNLD 2023.

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\usepackage{graphicx} % Required for inserting images
\usepackage{lipsum} % For random text example
\thispagestyle{fancy} %Do not change this.
\AbstractTitle{Abstract for PNLD-2023} %Title of your abstract
\AuthorList{\textbf{Author A}$^{a,b}$ and Author B$^{c}$} %Author List
\Address{$^a$Department of X, Y University\\$^b$Department of S, University of T\\$^c$Center of Excellence in Z, Department of R, University of W} %Author address
\PaperID{79} %Please enter your Paper ID here, see Fig 1 for reference.
%----------------------Abstract starts here-----------------------------------%
Please read the following instructions regarding submitting your accepted abstract for inclusion in the ``Book of Abstracts" of PNLD-2023.
\item Please submit \textbf{only the PDF file generated}.
\item Please use the same title as entered during submission.
\item Please ensure all the names of the authors and the affiliations are correct. No further changes will be possible.
\item Please do not change anything in the ``styling.tex" file.
\item Please do not make any major changes to the content of the already accepted abstract.
\item Please write the name of the \textbf{presenting author} in \textbf{bold}.
\item Please rename the final pdf as ``PNLD[Paper ID].pdf". Paper ID can be found in the Author Console of the Submission Portal, see Fig.(\ref{figpaperID}).
\caption{Paper ID in Submission Portal. The final submission file for this example should be named ``PNLD79.pdf"}
%----------------------Abstract ends here-----------------------------------%
% Put your bibliography entries in the "pnldbibliography.bib" file only.