Coret Michel
5 年前
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
This is the template for abstract submission to the 7th Photomechanics Conference & 5th IDICs Conference to be held on 19-22 October 2020 in Nantes, France
This is the template for abstract submission to the 7th Photomechanics Conference & 5th IDICs Conference to be held on 19-22 October 2020 in Nantes, France
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% 7th Photomechanics Conference, 5th IDICs Conference
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% 19-22 october 2020, Nantes, France
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\title{\LaTeX ~Template for PM-IDICs 2020 abstracts}
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\author{M. Coret, AL. Fauchille, MLM Fran\c cois, J. R\'ethor\'e, R. Seghir}
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Centrale Nantes, Universit\'e de Nantes, GeM (UMR6183), Nantes, France
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Here you write your 5 to 6 lines abstract that summarize the \underline{2 pages article}.\\
\keywords DIC, PhotoMechanics
As much as possible, we encourage you to write your article using the IMRAD method.
Explanations of the method ...\\
If you have equations, they are centered and numbered. For example see eq.\eqref{eq:bc}.
\mathbf u(\mathbf x)=\arg\min \int \left[ f(\mathbf x)-g(\mathbf x+\mathbf u(\mathbf x))\right]^2 d\mathbf x \label{eq:bc}
Development of the results ...\\
If you have figures, they are centered and numbered. For example see fig.\eqref{fig:pfe}.
\caption{Horizontal displacement field of ...}\label{fig:pfe}
\paragraph{Discussion and Conclusion} This is the place to discuss the results and give conclusions and perspectives ...\\
If you have tabulars, they are centered and numbered. For example see tab.\eqref{tab:nice}.
\textbf{ column 1} & \textbf{column 2 }&\textbf{ column 3 }\\
1.1 & 1.2 & 1.3 \\
2.1 & 2.2 & 2.3 \\
\caption{Table of ... }\label{tab:nice}
References and citations have to be written like this:
\item[$\bullet$] citation of a journal paper \cite{horn81},
\item[$\bullet$] citation of a conference proceeding \cite{lucas81},
\item[$\bullet$] citation of a book \cite{sutton09}.
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%\\ article
B.K.P. Horn and G.~Schunck.
\newblock Determining optical flow.
\newblock {\em Artificial Intelligence}, 17:185--203, 1981.
B.D. Lucas and T.~Kanade.
\newblock An iterative image registration technique with an application to stereo vision.
\newblock In {\em Proceedings of Imaging Understanding Workshop}, pages 121--130, 1981.
M.A. Sutton, J.-J.~Orteu, H.~Schreier,
\newblock \emph{Image correlation for shape, motion and deformation measurements: Basic Concepts, Theory and Applications},
\newblock Springer, New York, NY (USA), 2009.
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