PhD Thesis Template for Kyungpook National University. The same template can be used for Masters Thesis.
% LaTeX style file for Ph.D. thesis document
% Institution: Kyungpook National University (KNU)
% (c) Gwenaelle Cunha Sergio (
% and
% (c) Dennis Singh Moirangthem (
% Please note:
% 1. Compile with XeLatex
% 2. This was not made for monetary purposes and it is free for anyone to use. However, if you do use it or modify it, please acknowledge this work by mentioning this original source code.
% Thesis information %
\title{Thesis title line 1\\ Title line 2}
\author{Your English Name}
\supervisor{Prof. 1 \\Co-supervised by Professor Prof. 2}
\department{School of Electronics Engineering, Major in Signal Processing}
\profA{Prof. 1}
\profB{Prof. 2}
\profC{Prof. 3}
\profD{Prof. 4}
\profE{Prof. 5}
\titlekorean{Title in Korean}
\authorkorean{한국 이름 (Your Korean Name)}
\supervisorkorean{지도교수 이름 (Prof. 1 Name in Korean) \\공동지도교수 (Prof. 2 Name in Korean)}
\departmentkorean{경북대학교 대학원 전자공학부 신호처리전공}
% Document starts here %
\pagenumbering{roman} %\frontmatter
\tableofcontents \pagebreak
\listoffigures \pagebreak
\listoftables \pagebreak
% Page numbering: change to arabic numbers %
\setlength{\footskip}{40pt} %set page number distance from content
\pagenumbering{arabic} %\mainmatter
%hyphen page numbers
\fancyfoot[C]{\fontsize{10pt}{10pt}\selectfont-~\thepage~-}% set font to 10
\setstretch{1.85} % Times New Roman 12pt
% Rest of document %
\input{tex/introduction} \pagebreak
\input{tex/sections} \pagebreak
\input{tex/adding_equations} \pagebreak
\input{tex/adding_refs} \pagebreak
\input{tex/conclusion.tex} \pagebreak
\input{tex/abstract_english.tex} \pagebreak
\input{tex/abstract_korean.tex} \pagebreak