Catarina Silva Antunes
3 年前
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
A template for Thesis Proposal for the doctoral program MAPi

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Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
%--------------- Personalize your document here ---------------
\author{Author \\ mail@host.pt} % Enter your name
%\newcommand{\studentID}{c.alexandracorreia@ua.pt} % enter your student ID
\newcommand{\supervisorone}{Supervisor \#1} % Enter your supervisor's name
\newcommand{\supervisortwo}{Supervisor \#2}% Leave it empty or enter your second supervisor's name
\newcommand{\exam}{Ph.D. Research Proposal}
\title{Title} %Enter the title of your report
\date{September 2022} % insert a specific date
% This document was adapted from the
% TEMPLATE FOR PHYS250 WORKSHEET created by Alastair McLean
% URL: https://www.overleaf.com/latex/templates/phys250-worksheet-template/xxftvfhmwqdt
% Jefferson Silveira
% Email: 19jdls1@queensu.ca
% Last update: 09-Jun-2021
% If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact me.
\usepackage{etoolbox} %required for cover page
%\newacronym{iot}{IoT}{Internet of Things}
\renewcommand{\listoflistingscaption}{List of Algorithms}
%----------------------------------TITLE PAGE -----------------------------------
\vskip 4.5cm
\textsc{\large \department}\\
\vskip 1.5cm
\rule{\linewidth}{0.2 mm} \\
{\large \exam}\\[1 cm]
{\huge \bfseries \@title \par}
\rule{\linewidth}{0.2 mm} \\[1.5 cm]
\begin{flushleft} \large
%Student ID: \studentID
\begin{flushright} \large
{\Large \@date\par}
%-------------------------------- ENDTITLE PAGE ----------------------------------
\pagenumbering{gobble}% Remove page numbers (and reset to 1)
%\listofalgorithms % List of algorithms in pseudocode format
%\listoflistings % List of algorithms in code format
\pagenumbering{arabic}% Arabic page numbers (and reset to 1)
% To have definition style
% This is how you can organize your document
%If you came here because you want your references in a new page, uncomment the following line
%\clearpage % If you want the references in a separate page
%\clearpage % If you want the appendix in a separate page