A template for taking notes on breakout sessions
% LaTeX Notetaking Template for the 2019 Pan-Canadian Self-Organizing Conference on Machine Learning (PC-SOCMLx)
% Template by David Madras, inspired by Meltem Atay's template for the 2018 SOCML
\date{November 22-23, 2019}
Feel free to organize this document however you want!
This is a suggested outline but not necessarily a recommended one.
\item[] \textbf{Session Moderator: } ModeratorName
\item[] \textbf{Session Notetaker: } NotetakerName
\item[] \textbf{Number of Attendees: } some $k \in \mathds{N}$ (doesn't have to be perfect but please count if you can!)
\section{Brief Description of the Topic}
\section{Summary of Discussion}
\subsection{Major Point 1}
\subsection{Major Point 2}
\subsection{Major Point 3}
\subsection{Major Point $n$}
\section{Controversial or Confusing Points}
\item 1 + 1 = 3
\item etc.
\section{Open Questions}
\item Magnets, how do they work?
\item etc.
\section{Miscellaneous Notes}
\item random thoughts that don't fit elsewhere on this outline
\item Summary points/major takeaways
\section{Further Reading or References}
\item Pointers to cool papers/resources everyone brought up