Otto von Guericke University MRCC thesis template
Matthias Splieth
4 年前
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Thesis template for OVGU MRCC

Discover why over 20 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
Discover why over 20 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
master, % type of document: seminar, hausarbeit, bachelor, master, diss
german, % remove if you want to write in english
vlba, %institution: agwi, ucc or vlba
nomencl, % nomenclature on
%twoside % two sided output will be generated
%\usepackage[pdflatex=true]{gastex} % geht erst mit version 2.9, CTAN hat aber nur 2.8 vorrätig
% Miscanallous Options %
\graphicspath{{img/}} % sets Path to figure-folder
%\pgfplotsset{compat=1.6} % pgfplot-fix DOES NOT WORK WITH MACTEX
% Styling etc %
% Author-related information start here %
\author{Max Mustermann}
\title{Titel der Arbeit}
\supervisor{Michael Mustermann}
\prof{Prof. Dr. ABC}
\secondprof{Prof. Dr. DEF}
\abstracten{Your \underline{english} abstract\dots}
\acknowledgments{Danke an meinen tollen Betreuer!}
\dedication{Meinen Eltern\dots} %only for diss
\birthday{01.01.1980} % only for diss
\placeofbirth{Musterland} % only for diss
\reviewer{Prof. A\\ Prof. B} % only for diss
% Content starts here... %
\chapter{Ein Anhang}