
Nile University Thesis Template
Mohamed Abuelanin
5 年前
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
M.Sc. Thesis Template of Nile University - Egypt

Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
M.Sc. Thesis Template of Nile University - Egypt
Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
%% Language %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\usepackage[USenglish]{babel} %francais, polish, spanish, ...
\usepackage{lmodern} %Type1-font for non-english texts and characters
%% Packages for Graphics & Figures %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\usepackage{graphicx} %%For loading graphic files
%% Math Packages %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%LAILA%%%%f%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\fancyhead{} \fancyfoot{}
\usepackage[a4paper,left=15mm,right=15mm, top=1cm, bottom=2cm]{geometry}
\newcommand{\pgbs}{\prob (g_{B}(l)=g_{\mathrm{B}}) }
\newcommand{\phbs}{\prob (g_{B}(l)=h_{\mathrm{B}}) }
\newcommand{\pgbsP}{\prob (g_{B}(t)=g_{\mathrm{B}}) }
\newcommand{\phbsP}{\prob (g_{B}(l)=h_{\mathrm{B}}) }
\newcommand{\pgrs}{\prob (g_{R}(l)=g_{\mathrm{R}}) }
\newcommand{\phrs}{\prob (g_{R}(l)=h_{\mathrm{R}}) }
\newcommand{\pgrsP}{\prob (g_{R}(t)=g_{\mathrm{R}}) }
\newcommand{\phrsP}{\prob (g_{R}(l)=h_{\mathrm{R}}) }
\newcommand{\pf}{\prob (r(l)=r) }
\newcommand{\pw}{\prob (r(l)=r) }
\newcommand{\pfP}{\prob (r(t)=r) }
\newcommand{\pwP}{\prob (r(l)=r) }
\author{Author Name}
%% Be sure to use modified style that makes this uppercase
\title{Thesis Name}
\authordegrees{Degree. Ex: B.Sc.}
\pagestyle{empty} %No headings for the first pages.
% \startsinglespace
% Copyright the dissertation
% The abstract
\dedication{To my beloved family}
%% Title Page %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% ==> Write your text here or include other files.
%% Inhaltsverzeichnis %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\tableofcontents %Table of contents
\cleardoublepage %The first chapter should start on an odd page.
\pagestyle{plain} %Now display headings: headings / fancy / ...
% Include the chapters of the thesis, as separate files
% Just uncomment the lines as you write the chapters
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\begin{tabular}{l l}
\textbf{Symbol} & \textbf{Definition} \\
\hline \hline
AGH & Abbreviations Goes Here \\
AGH & Abbreviations Goes Here \\
% \newpage
% %%%%%%%%%LIST OF SYMBOLS%%%%%%%%%%%%%5
% \begin{center}
% \textbf{{LIST OF SYMBOLS}}
% \end{center}
% \begin{longtable}{@{\extracolsep{\fill}}ll@{}}
% %\begin{tabular}{l l}
% \hline
% \textbf{Symbol} & \textbf{Definition} \\
% \hline \hline
% $\mathcal{I}$ & Interference power\\
% $\mathcal{N}_o$ & Noise power \\
% $\mathcal{S}$ & Desired signal power \\
% $\alpha$ & Path-loss exponent \\
% $\gamma$ & Signal-to-interference ratio \\
% $\mathcal{L}_X(\cdot)$ & The Laplace transform of the {PDF} of the random variable X \\
% $\vartheta$ & The skewness of the zipf distribution \\
% $R_{SBS}$ & Ergodic Capacity per SBS \\
% $\Gamma(\cdot)$ & The gamma function \\
% ${_2}F_1(\cdot,\cdot;\cdot;\cdot)$ & Gauss hypergeometric function \\
% $p$ & Independent activity probability \\
% $f_{X}\left( x\right)$ & PDF of random variable X\\
% $F_{X}\left( x\right)$ & CDF of random variable X\\
% $\left\|.\right\|$ & Euclidean norm \\
% $\forall$ & for all \\
% $\mathbb{E}\left[.\right]$ & The expected value of a random variable \\
% $\phi_{u}$ & Set of users in a PPP distributed network \\
% $\phi_{b}$ & Set of SBSs in a PPP distributed network \\
% $\lambda_{u}$ & user intensity in PPP distributed network\\
% $\lambda_{b}$ & SBS intensity in PPP distributed network\\
% $\phi_{p}$ & Parent points set in clustered network \\
% $\lambda_{p}$ & Parent points intensity in clustered network \\
% $\phi_{u_{c}}$ & Set of per cluster users \\
% $\lambda_{u_{c}}$ & Per cluster user intensity \\
% $\phi_{s_{c}}$ & Set of per cluster SBSs \\
% $\lambda_{s_{c}}$ & Per cluster SBS intensity \\
% $I_{o}(.)$ & Modified Bessel function of first order zero kind \\
% $P(m)$ & Probability that file $m$ is requested \\
% $N_{f}$ & Number of files in the network \\
% $N_{c}$ & Cache capacity \\
% $F$ & File Size \\
% $P_{m,j}$ & Probability that the $m^{\rm th}$ file cached in the $j^{\rm th}$ memory location \\
% $\omega_{ca}$ & The caching power consumption \\
% $P_{r, \rm min}$ & Minimum received power \\
% $\omega_{bh}$ & Core network energy consumption \\
% $\delta$ & Outage threshold \\
% $P_{\rm links}$ & Links power density \\
% $P_{\rm nodes}$ & Nodes power density \\
% $|.|$ & Cardinality of a Set \\
% \hline
% %\end{tabular}
% \end{longtable}
%% ----------------------------------------------------------------
% Now begin the Appendices, including them as separate files
\addtocontents{toc}{\vspace{2em}} % Add a gap in the Contents, for aesthetics
% \appendix % Cue to tell LaTeX that the following 'chapters' are Appendices
\input{Appendices/AppendixA} % Appendix Title
\input{Appendices/AppendixB} % Appendix Title
\addtocontents{toc}{\vspace{2em}} % Add a gap in the Contents, for aesthetics
%% ----------------------------------------------------------------
%\lhead{\emph{Bibliography}} % Change the left side page header to "Bibliography"
\bibliographystyle{IEEEtran} % Use the "unsrtnat" BibTeX style for formatting the Bibliography
\bibliography{Bibliography} % The references (bibliography) information are stored in the file named "Bibliography.bib"
\end{document} % The End
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