National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (NYCU) Thesis Template
Feng, Li-Cheng
3 年前
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
A NYCU thesis template. This project could also be found at
A NYCU thesis template. This project could also be found at
\documentclass[]{thesis} % draft mode (default)
%\documentclass[review]{thesis} % review mode (show contents & reference only)
%\documentclass[watermark,final]{thesis} % final mode (version for library)
% Package Loading
\usepackage{multirow} % for multi-row table
\usepackage{booktabs} % table style used in books
% Configuration
% 填寫題目, 作者, 指導教授, 學校, 系所, 日期等資訊
% 修改 thesis.cls 的預設字型
% Show repeated author names in bibliography when using IEEEtran.bst
% Comment out this line if you don't set IEEEtran in \bibliographystyle{}
% Generate cover, title, authorization, approval and copyright pages
% 題獻頁 (Only shown in the final mode of a PhD dissertation)
% Abstract
% 中文摘要
% 英文摘要
% 目錄
% Generate 'Table of Contents', 'List of Figures', and 'List of Tables', and
% Set page numbering to 'arabic'
% Contents
% Set page numbering to 'arabic' (1, 2, 3, ...)
% 內文, 請依照章節順序擺放
% 參考文獻
% Set bib style
% Add Bibliography to "Table of Contents"
% Usage:
% \bibliography{bib/bib1,bib/bib2,...,bib/bibN} % 注意: 不要有空格
% For IEEEtran users:
% DO NOT remove bib/BSTcontrol.bib when using IEEEtran.bst. The reason is that
% when we cite two papers of the same (or similar) authors, IEEEtran.bst would
% replace the author names with "------". To avoid this, we use BSTControl.bib
% to set ctldash_repeated_names to 'no'.
% For non IEEEtran users:
% Please delete bib/ieeeBSTcontrol from \bibliography{}
% 附錄
% Start appendix
% Add appendicies to "Table of Contents"
% 請從此開始依序擺放附錄
% 作者簡歷
% 簡歷 (Only shown in a PhD dissertation)
% 著作列表 (Only shown in a PhD dissertation)