National Sun Yat-sen University (NSYSU) Thesis LaTeX Template
%% copyright 2020 Dony Darmawan Putra & Hasan Albinsaid
\documentclass[12pt, twoside , openright]{book}
%%%%%%%%%% instant packages %%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%%% for body of document %%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%%% cover %%%%%%%%%%
{\chinnesesize 國立中山大學 Your Departement Chinese Name %%NSYSU Your Departement Name
碩士論文} %%Master Thesis
{\bigsize Your Departement Name\\National Sun Yat-sen University\\}
{\bigsize Master Thesis\\}
{\chinnesesize Chinese Thesis Title\\}
{\bigsize Thesis Title\\}
{\bigsize \hspace{0pt} 研究生:Your Chinese Name\\ %You can arrange the position manually by change hspace value
\hspace{70pt} Your Name\\ %You can arrange the position manually by change hspace value
\hspace{0pt} 指導教授:Advisor Chinese Name\\ %You can arrange the position manually by change hspace value
\hspace{130pt}Advisor Name \\%You can arrange the position manually by change hspace value
{\bigsize 中華民國109年1月\\
January 2020\\
%%%%%%%%%% for thesis Validation Letter %%%%%%%%%%
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Thesis Validation Letter}
{\chinnesesize Thesis Validation Letter }
Validation letter
%%%%%%%%%% acknowledgment %%%%%%%%%%
{\chinnesesize Acknowledgements}
bismi al-ll_ahi al-rra.hm_ani al-rra.hImi
Alhamdulllahirabbil'alamin, finally got to this point, a splash of success that You gave me Rabb Allah SWT is the Almighty, endlessly thanking you. Prayers and greetings to the Prophet Muhammad SAW and his noble friends.
In accordance with the words of the Prophet Muhammad SAW that when we have an advantage we might help the other people, as mentioned in hadith narrated by Ath-Thabrani:
a.habba Al-nnaasi 'il_A al-ll_ahi ta`aa l_A aanfa`uhum lil-nnaasi..
"The most loved Man/Woman by Allah is the most beneficial to humans beings.." (Narrated by Ath-Thabrani in Al Mu'jam Al Kabir no. 13280).
Hopefully, this NSYSU Thesis LaTEX template can be useful for all of us, and you'll get the best results for your thesis.
Author :
- Dony Darmawan Putra
- Hasan Albinsaid
%%%%%%%%%% chinnese abstract %%%%%%%%%%
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{摘 要}
{\chinnesesize 摘 要}
This is Abstract, but in chinese language. \blindtext[1]
%%%%%%%%%% english abstract %%%%%%%%%%
{\chinnesesize Abstract}
This is Abstract. \blindtext[1]
\BackImage[trim=0 +12cm 0 0, width=15.5em]{watermark.jpg} %watermark e-thesis (optional, usualy when we need to give to library)
\noindent Keywords: keyword1, keyword2, keyword3.
%%%%%%%%%%for Main Contents%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%%%First Chapter%%%%%%%%%%
This is your introduction. You can put the citation as this example \cite{CpLi}. For adding reference you can open bibliography file "references.bib" and paste the BibTeX into that file, to make it more clear you can see the example of BibTex in this link : \href{}{Import BibTeX from Google Scholar}
\blindtext[2] %<-this is dummy text
%%%%%%%%%%Second Chapter%%%%%%%%%%
\chapter{Second Chapter}
This is your second chapter, the example for citation \cite{Ymc}. \blindtext[1]
You can add figure, so it will show as Figure \ref{fig:figure_ref}
\caption{Gaussian distribution1}
This is your sub chapter, the example for citation \cite{latexcompanion}. \blindtext[1].
(\hat{n})=\operatorname*{arg\,max}_{n\in \{1,\dots,M\}}(\mathbf{X}_{n})
This is the example of equation, expressed as eq. \ref{index_eq}
\For{$j\gets1$ to $N_s$ by $1$}{
\For{$i\gets1$ to $N$ by $1$}{
\KwOutput{Matrix result $\mathbf{C}$ }
\caption{The example of algorithm}
This is your sub chapter. \blindtext[2]
\caption{Gaussian distribution2}
%%%%%%%%%%Third Chapter%%%%%%%%%%
\chapter{Third Chapter}
This is your third chapter. \blindtext[1]
This is your sub chapter. \blindtext[1] You can add table, so it will show as Table \ref{table:table1}
\caption{This is the example of table1}
\textbf{Layer} & \textbf{Col1} & \textbf{Col2} \\ % <-- added & and content for each column
Row1 & content & content \\ % <--
Row2 & a & b \\ % <--
Row3 & c & d \\ % <--
Row4 & e & f \\ % <--
This is your sub chapter. \blindtext[2]
\caption{This is the example of table2}
\textbf{Layer} & \textbf{Col1} & \textbf{Col2} \\ % <-- added & and content for each column
Row1 & content & content \\ % <--
Row2 & a & b \\ % <--
Row3 & c & d \\ % <--
The conclusion is... \blindtext[1] %<-this is dummy text
%% for Reference
{\chinnesesize References}