\documentclass[12pt, a4paper]{article}
\usepackage{tocloft} % For customizing the Table of Contents
\usepackage{colortbl} % For coloring table cells
\usepackage{booktabs} % For professional tables
\usepackage{array} % Extends table capabilities
\usepackage{tabularx} % Tables with automatic width adjustment
\usepackage{caption} % Customize table captions
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\fontsize{14pt}{12pt}\selectfont \title{Advanced Study of Wireless Electricity: Impacts on Himalayan Region of Nepal}
% Title Page
% Abstract
\textbf{Keywords:} Wireless, Himalayan, Electricity, Advanced Study
% Table of Contents
% Introduction
\subsection{Research Objectives}
\subsection{Research Questions}
\section{Literature Review}
\section{Research Gap}
\section{Foundational Work}
\section{Materials and Methods}
\input{materials and mehod }
\section{Expected Result}
\input{expected result}
\input{limitation and delimitation}
\section{Ethical Issue}
\input{ethical issue}
\section{Gantt Chart}
\input{gantt chart}
\section{Budget Estimate}
\input{budget estimate}
\section{National Priority}
\input{national priority}
\section{Research Group Members}
\input{group details}
\bibliography{references} % Replace with your .bib file name