Template for the final assignment report for the course MV013 Statistics for Computer Science taught at the Faculy of Informatics, Masaryk University, Brno.
\newcommand{\authorFullName}{First name Surname}
\newcommand{\authorFieldOfStudy}{Field of study}
%% AND NAME THE PROJECT UCO-surname-firstname-STAT-CS-YEAR (with or without dashes)
\newcommand{\courseName}{MV013 Statistics for Computer Science}
\documentclass[12pt, oneside]{report}
\usepackage[colorlinks=false, linkbordercolor=white, citebordercolor=white,
filebordercolor=white, urlbordercolor=white]{hyperref}
\fancyhead[L]{\courseName\ -- Assignment}
% definition of an environment
\definecolor{dgray}{gray}{0.35} % colour of R comments
\definecolor{lgray}{gray}{0.95} % background colour of R-code
\lstset{ % setting appearance of R-code
language=R, % setting language R
basicstyle=\ttfamily\small, % font and size of R-code
backgroundcolor=\color{lgray}, % background colour of R-code
commentstyle=\ttfamily\small\itshape\color{dgray}, % colour of R comments
showstringspaces=false, % forbidding the highlighting of spaces
numbers=left, % numbering on the left
numberstyle=\ttfamily\small, % font and size of numbering
stepnumber=1, % numbering with step 1
firstnumber=last, % cumulative numbering of rows in consecutive uses of lstlisting environment
breaklines=T} % automatic line breaks of code at the end of a line
\input{stka-text-template-eng} % inputs file with main text