Karin Sumongkayothin, Jidapa Kraisangka
2 年前
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
This is the Senior Project document template in LaTeX.

Discover why over 20 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
This is the Senior Project document template in LaTeX.
Discover why over 20 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
%TEX TS-program = xelatex
%!TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode
% Original Doc by Dr. Karin Sumongkayothin
% Last updated by Dr. Jidapa Kraisangka
%============ Logs ===========================
% % May 2, 2019 -- Dr. Karin Sumongkayothin
% [+] Figure caption centering was fixed
% [+] thesisGradyear variable was added
% [+] Landscape style was added
% June 1, 2019 -- Dr. Karin Sumongkayothin
% [+] Listing cation was set to aligned left
% [+] Remove using /raggedright in table captions
% [+] Correct the spaces between Name and Lastname
% [+] Add title to student name in abstract page
% Aug 1, 2020 -- Dr. Jidapa Kraisangka
% [+] Fixed space between title and name for long first name
% [+] Clean some texts and provide example LaTex
% Sep 15, 2021 -- Dr. Jidapa Kraisangka
% [-] Remove DoB and Place of Birth from Biographies
\usepackage{lipsum} %To generate sample text
%====== Add the packages here ================
\usepackage{listings} %For showing programming language in Latex
%Set listing options
%Set path directory of figures
%% Include more path to figures here
\XeTeXlinebreaklocale "th" %Set word wrapping for Thai language
\XeTeXlinebreakskip = 0pt plus 1.1pt %
%Thesis Meta Data (edit each field)
%Thesis Title
\newcommand{\thesisTitle}{Senior Project Title in English}
%Thesis Keywords
\newcommand{\thesisKeywords}{Word\slash Word\slash Word
\slash Word\slash Word\slash Word}
%Author name
\newcommand{\thesisFirstAuthorBD}{DD MONTH YYYY}
\newcommand{\thesisFirstAuthorBP}{City, Country}
\newcommand{\thesisFirstAuthorHC}{High School, YYYY}
\newcommand{\thesisSecondTitleName}{Miss} %Comment all if you don't have second author
\newcommand{\thesisSecondAuthorName}{Mary Jane}
\newcommand{\thesisSecondAuthorNameTH}{แมร์รี่ เจน}
\newcommand{\thesisSecondAuthorBD}{DD MONTH YYYY}
\newcommand{\thesisSecondAuthorBP}{City, Country}
\newcommand{\thesisSecondAuthorHC}{High School, YYYY}
\newcommand{\thesisThirdTitleName}{Mr.} %Comment all if you don't have third author
\newcommand{\thesisThirdAuthorBD}{DD MONTH YYYY}
\newcommand{\thesisThirdAuthorBP}{City, Country}
\newcommand{\thesisThirdAuthorHC}{High School, YYYY}
\newcommand{\thesisAuthorsInitials}{Parker P., Watson M.J., Morales M.} %Initials of Thesis Authors
%Degree that this thesis is for
\newcommand{\thesisDegree}{Bachelor of science}
\newcommand{\thesissubDegree}{Information and Communication Technology}
%Month, year and date of thesis publication
\newcommand{\thesisAcademicYear}{2019} %Academic Year
\newcommand{\thesisGradYear}{2020} %Graduated Year
\newcommand{\thesisDep}{Faculty of Information and Communication Technology}
\newcommand{\thesisUni}{Mahidol University}
%Advisor name
\newcommand{\thesisAdv}{Dr.Otto Octavius} %with title name
\newcommand{\thesisAdvTH}{ดร.อ็อตโต้ อ็อกเทเวียส} %with title name
%Co-advisor name
\def\thesisCoadv{Dr.Norman Osborn} %with title name; comment if you don't have co-advisor
\def\thesisCoadvTH{ดร.นอร์แมน ออสบอร์น}
%\newwatermark*[allpages,color=red!50,angle=45,scale=3,xpos=0,ypos=0]{Copyright of Mahidol University}
\renewcommand{\thelstlisting}{\thechapter.\arabic{lstlisting}} %Change listing numbering style
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\fancyhead[L]{\ifthenelse{\isodd{\value{page}}}{Faculty of ICT, Mahidol Univ.}{\thesisAuthorsInitials}} %odd page header
\fancyhead[R]{\ifthenelse{\isodd{\value{page}}}{B.Sc. (ICT)~/~\thepage}{\leftmark~/~\thepage}} %even page header
%\clearpage \newpage
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