MSc SES Dissertation
Andrew Lyden
1 年前
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Template for use by students undertaking the MSc SES Dissertation.

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%% thesis.tex
%% Model LaTeX file for MEng/BEng thesis
%% School of Engineering, University of Edinburgh
%% v 1.0 2022-09 - First release
%% v 1.1 2022-11 - Added SAFE, IMFSE and LMP programmes
%% The following defines the document class used to structure and format your thesis. Do not change this.
%% The following are packages that are used by the template and that you will likely need for your content. Do not change this.
\usepackage[sort, numbers]{natbib}
%% Under this line, you can add additional packages that you may need for typesetting your document.
%% The following says that all graphics (e.g. jpg, png, etc. files) will be searched in the "Figures/" folder.
%% Do not change it, but ensure you indeed put your figures in that folder.
%% Change \title, \author, \supervisor and \wordcount
%% to your thesis title, your name., your supervisor's name and the word count of your thesis.
%% Do not touch \date.
\author{Author Name}
\newcommand{\supervisor}{[Prof/Dr] Name}
%% The following loads the package UEDIN_SoE that has been setup specifically to format theses
%% of students in Civil and Environmental Engineering MEng/BEng programmes.
%% In the line below, replace "mengSEWA" with any of the following:
%% - "mengCE" if you study on the "MEng Civil Engineering"
%% - "bengCE" if you study on the "BEng Civil Engineering"
%% - "mengSAFSE" if you study on the "MEng Structural and Fire Safety Engineering"
%% - "bengSAFSE" if you study on the "BEng Structural and Fire Safety Engineering"
%% - "mengSEWA" if you study on the "MEng Structural Engineering with Architecture"
%% - "bengSEWA" if you study on the "BEng Structural Engineering with Architecture"
%% - "mcssafe" if you study on the "MSc in Structural and Fire Safety Engineering (SAFE)"
%% - "imfse" if you study on the "International Master of Science in Fire Safety Engineering (IMFSE)"
%% - "msclmp" if you study on the "MSC Leading Major Programmes (LMP)"
%% - "mscses" MSc Sustainable Energy Systems
%% The following defines the title page and the frontmatter.
%% To change the content of the frontmatter, go to "frontmatter.tex".
%% The main content starts here.
% The following sets the list of references. Do not change this.
% The following is to add any appendix. Comment the following out if you are not adding any appendix
\chapter{My First Appendix}
The context of Appendix A.