Montgomery College Poster Template
Zhou Dong
7 个月前
LaTeX Project Public License 1.3c
A TikZposter template defined with Montgomery College's colors.

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Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
% TikZposter Documentation
% https://texdoc.org/serve/tikzposter/0
\documentclass[25pt, a0paper, landscape]{tikzposter}
% Options:
% - font size: 12pt, 14pt, 17pt, 20pt, or 25pt;
% - paper size: a0paper, a1paper, or a2paper;
% - orientation: landscape or portrait
% Defining the color palette for MC colors
% https://www.montgomerycollege.edu/_documents/offices/elite/mc-brand-style-guide.pdf
\definecolorstyle{MCColorStyle} {
\definecolor{colorOne}{RGB}{81, 35, 127} % purple
\definecolor{colorOneTint}{RGB}{110, 77, 148} % purple tint
\definecolor{colorTwo}{RGB}{159, 161, 164} % medium gray
\definecolor{colorThree}{RGB}{102, 102, 102} % dark gray
\definecolor{colorAccentOne}{RGB}{255, 95, 58} % orange
\definecolor{colorAccentTwo}{RGB}{14, 138, 217} % blue
\definecolor{colorAccentThree}{RGB}{40, 166, 137} % green
% Background Colors
% Title Colors
% Block Colors
% Innerblock Colors
% Note colors
% Settings for the title
\color{titlefgcolor} {\bfseries \Huge \sc \@title \par}
{\huge \@author \par} \vspace*{1em} {\LARGE \@institute}
} \flushright \vspace{-75mm}\@titlegraphic}
% Text and graphics for the title
\title{Poster Title}
\author{Name of Authors}
\institute{Montgomery College}
% Predefined themes: Default, Autumn, Basic, Board, Desert, Envelope, Rays, Simple, Wave
% Leave commented to use MC colors
\block[roundedcorners=0]{Introduction} {
\begin{tikzfigure}[This is colored MC logo]
This block's corners are sharp because of the ``roundedcorners=0" option
\block{Methods or Research Question} {
This block has the default rounded corners.\\
\innerblock{Inner block heading}{This is an inner block. Inner block sizes are based on the block they embed in. The title background color is the tinted purple color.}
]{This is a note. It overlays the poster.\\ You can adjust the size and placement of the note within the options.}
\block{More Results}
\block{Findings} {
\begin{tikzfigure}[This is black and white MC logo]
\block{Conclusions} {
\coloredbox[bgcolor=colorAccentOne, fgcolor=white]{this is a colored box using MC's orange accent color}
\coloredbox[bgcolor=colorAccentTwo, fgcolor=white]{this is a colored box using MC's blue accent color}
\coloredbox[bgcolor=colorAccentThree, fgcolor=black]{this is a coloredbox using MC's green accent color}
\block{Future Research} {
\block{References and acknowledgements} {
Make sure you cite all references!