Modeling Exercise Set X
mark somerville
9 年前
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Template for Modeling and Simulation Exercises at Olin College

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Template for Modeling and Simulation Exercises at Olin College
Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
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\title{Modeling Exercise Set X}
\section{Overview and Orientation}
This exercise asks you to DO SOME STUFF.
% \\There's probably some stuff about how to approach the problem set, like what to do if you get stuck and an estimate for how long it will take (Let us know if it's a little longer or a little shorter than 9 hours).
\newthought{WARNING:} By the time you're 2 or 3 hours into this, you should feel confident that you can complete the this in another 2-3 hours. If not, this is when you should {\bf ask for help.} This means {\bf talk to a colleague}, or {\bf talk to a ninja}, or {\bf track down an instructor}, or {\bf send an email to an instructor}.
\section{Learning Goals}
By the end of this exercise, you should be able to...
\item Identify SOME STUFF
\item Develop SOME STUFF
\item Use SOME STUFF
\section*{Exercise X.1}
% Silence warnings from tufte-handout bibliography handling
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