8 年前
Other (as stated in the work)
Minimal-Resume is a one-column and clean resume template for professional usage.
License: MIT
[Downloaded 26 Sep 2016 from]
Minimal-Resume is a one-column and clean resume template for professional usage.
License: MIT
[Downloaded 26 Sep 2016 from]
% Personal (includes three rows: Name, Address, Contact)
% -----------------------------------------------------
% Name
% Address
% contact\hspace{\sizethree}
% Chapter: Education
% ------------------
\subchap{National University of Singapore, Singapore}{2013--present}{
\item PhD student in Department of Computer Science, School of Computing
\item Thesis: \textit{Towards Quantitative Model Checking of Distributed Probabilistic Systems}
\item Advisor: David S. Rosenblum, and previously, P. S. Thiagarajan (retired)
\subchap{Chennai Mathematical Institute, India}{2009--2012}{
\item B.Sc in Mathematics and Computer Science
\item GPA: {7.45}/10 and CGPA for CS: {9.25}/10
% Chapter: Publications
% ---------------------
\item {Ratul Saha}, Madhavan Mukund, and R. P. Jagadeesh Chandra Bose. \textit{Time-bounded Statistical Analysis of Resource-constrained Business Processes with Real-time Distributed Probabilistic Systems}. In Proc. of SETTA 2016.
\item Javier Esparza, Philipp Hoffmann, {Ratul Saha}. \textit{Polynomial Analysis Algorithms for Free Choice Probabilistic Workflow Nets}. In Proc. of QEST 2016.
\item Loi Luu, {Ratul Saha}, I. Parameshwaran, Prateek Saxena, and A. Hobor. \textit{On Power Splitting Games in Distributed Computation: The Case of Bitcoin Pooled Mining}. In Proc. of CSF 2015.
\item {Ratul Saha}, Javier Esparza, Sumit K. Jha, Madhavan Mukund, and P. S. Thiagarajan. \textit{Distributed Markov Chains}. In Proc. of VMCAI 2015.
% ------------------------
\item Collaborated with 10 professors, 3 PhD students, and 2 industry researchers across 8 cities
\item Was invited as a guest researcher and speaker at
\item CFDVS lab, \textit{Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay, India} for Mar--April 2016. Host: S Akshay.
\item ACMU, \textit{Indian Statistical Institute (ISI) Kolkata, India} for Jan--Feb 2016. Host: Ansuman Banerjee.
\item CS Dept., \textit{Chennai Mathematical Institute (CMI), India} for Aug--Nov 2015. Host: Madhavan Mukund.
\item FSR\&TCS, \textit{Technische Universit\"{a}t M\"{u}nchen (TUM), Germany} for May--July 2015. Host: Javier Esparza.
\item Was invited to \textit{Trends and Challenges in Quantitative Verification}, A Mysore Park Workshop (2016)
% Chapter: Awards
% ---------------
\item Among top 35 in the country to clear \textit{Indian National Mathematical Olympiad 2007}
\item Was selected twice (2007 and 2008) to attend the training for selection of the Indian team for the International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO)
\item Recipient of \textit{Undergraduate Scholarship} as part of the Nurture Program by National Board for Higher Mathematics, India
% NOTE: Forcing the content in a new page is optional
% Chapter: Work Experience
% ------------------------
\subchap{National University of Singapore, Singapore}{Jan--July 2013}{
\item Research assistant in School of Computing
\item Worked on a model checking tool (using Python) for models with uncertainty
\subchap{LimberLink Technologies Pvt. Ltd., India}{Jun--July 2012}{
\item Software development internship under supervision of V. Vinay
\item Designed a product to help educators provide affordable online education
\subchap{Chennai Mathematical Institute, India}{2010, 2012}{
\item Placement co-ordinator for Fall '12
\item Teaching Assistant for Advanced Programming (Fall '10) and Data Mining (Fall '12)
% Chapter: Leadership Experience
% ------------------------------
\subchap{Branding Consultancy}{2016--present}{
\item Developing online brands for a total of 5 small businesses, entrepreneurs, and celebrities
\item Delegating designers and content managers to provide hassle-free support to clients
\subchap{Overleaf, Writelatex limited}{2014--present}{
\item Acting as an external advisor, ``Advisor of the month'' for Oct 2015
\item Organized seminars on introduction to document preparation for beginners
\subchap{Movie Database and Promotion Agency}{2010--2013}{
\item Created a partnership firm and profiled more than 2000 movies and 4000 artists
\item Led 8 part-time members including content managers, journalists, and national award-winning authors
\item Was offered one acqui-hire and one acquisition
% Chapter: Technical Experience
% -----------------------------
\item Programming languages: Python, Haskell, C and Java
\item Tools and Scripts: \LaTeX, HTML5/CSS3/JS, MS Excel
\item Designed a popular open-source presentation template called \textit{Presento} that is clean, minimal and extensible
% Chapter: Other Information
% --------------------------
\item Nationality: Indian, Age: 24 years
\item Languages: English (full professional proficiency), Bengali and Hindi (native or bilingual proficiency)
\item TOEFL iBT (2012): 103/120
\item GRE (2012): Verbal -- 147, Quantitative -- 164, Analytical writing -- 3.5
\item Hobbies: swimming, chess, User Experience (UX) design